
Showing posts from May, 2014

A Big, Ol' Checkmark

That's what I get to put on my reading list. I've finished the first book--yay! Perhaps I shouldn't say finished. I devoured that thing. I picked it up from the library Monday after school, and I finished it around 5:00 on Tuesday. Remember that I worked for eight hours and slept for seven in between those times. I'd say that's pretty impressive. Maybe you wouldn't, but I would. You know a book is good when you can't put it down. Cliche, perhaps, but true nonetheless. When I started reading on Monday night, I was absolutely exhausted. I hadn't slept well the night before, and it had been a very long day. And yet I kept bargaining with myself. Five more more chapter...okay, read until the time is at a multiple of ten. (Yes, I make deals like that with myself. What of it?) I highly recommend you check this book out if you have not. ESPECIALLY if you are a woman in her twenties, just out of college and fresh into the work force. The

Yet Another New Column

I'm not done with the questions yet, I promise! There are still eight good ones coming your way...and any others people might choose to send me. But as I told someone recently, it is getting harder and harder to find topics for blog posts. I think the problem is that I'm trying to please two different entities. I'm trying to write something interesting for my readers so they keep reading, and I'm trying to hone my skills as a writer. I'm also trying to keep my blog from becoming a tedious part of my life. I never want to feel like I have to do this. It should be something I want to do. I love lists and challenges, so I think I've found a fun one. I find myself pinning all kinds of reading lists--I'm sure you've seen ones similar. 25 Books you Should Have Read in High School...65 Books you Should Read in your 20s... etc. Well, I've found one I think I can feasibly get through in the time frame it allots. It's thirty books, and I have six m