A Rainy Day in Londontown
Real quick on non-blog related things: I am SUPER RIDICULOUSLY PROUD of my Scholastic Bowl team!!!! We won regionals last night by the skin of our teeth {literally, we were relying on a team we had just beat that was seeded last in the regional to beat a team we had lost to in an earlier round just to stay in the running}! Then two tiebreaker matches, which my kiddos destroyed, and then finally our championship round against a team we'd never played who we remembered as being very good the previous year. And we won. And I wanted to cry, because this team is made up of kids who are super-involved and yet so incredibly dedicated and really played their hearts out...and now I sound sappy and cliche, but that's okay. Because they did something amazing and deserve to be proud of themselves. Ahem...okay, so now, let's move on to London again. Our second day in London was, as the title suggests, rainy. Thank goodness we had bought umbrellas in Munich. Our first stop--our...