
Showing posts from May, 2016

Confessions of a Craftaholic

Hi, I'm Kaitlin, and I have a problem. I may or may not be addicted to crafting. Granted, there are worse things in the world to be addicted to other than reading and crafting. I could be addicted to crack or something equally as destructive to my body. Although, I suppose that if I stayed indoors crafting all the time, it would be pretty destructive to my body. I know there are others like me out there. Some of them are probably reading this blog post. Let's get real for a minute. How many of us get that feeling  when we step inside Hobby Lobby or Michaels?  When you walk past row after row of colorful paper, stickers, washi tape? Boxes of pens and adornments? Skeins of yarn and bundles of embroidery floss? I just got a really funny picture in my head of a bar...people walk up, the bartender says "What's your poison?", and the customer whispers, "Knitting." And on the wall behind the bar, instead of bottles of liquor {although those could be

The Final Reviews!

I know April is officially over {and has been for awhile now}, but I have three final books to review for AUSTEN-INSPIRED APRIL! Not all of these books were on my original list, but because I finished the list I made, I decided to do a few more books. So there! The first book is actually just a short story, and it was on my original list. LADY SUSAN  by Jane Austen {yes, that one}. So Lady Susan  isn't so much "Austen-inspired" as "Austen-written." In the book, there are three stories by Jane Austen--two of which are unfinished, as she passed away before she could complete them. But Lady Susan  is complete and is, in fact, hilarious.  The story is told through letters between Lady Susan and the various people in her life, including her best friend {whose husband doesn't approve of Lady Susan}, her sister-in-law, her sister-in-law's brother and mother, and her lover {who happens to be a married man}. Lady Susan is an unashamed flirt who is bo

Love is All You Need.

Mother's Day is always a good day at our church. Our choir season always ends on Mother's Day, so we sing something fun and peppy. And it is also the end of our Sunday school year, which is fun. Usually we have treats and do a neat craft for their mothers. We also usually have our students sing in church. And this year, I almost didn't make it through. Our six little three- to six-year-olds stood up at the front of the church and sang If I were a Butterfly, This Little Light of Mine, Zaccheaus, and Jesus Loves Me.  They did the cute little hand motions. Some of them sang, some of them didn't. And when we got to Jesus Loves Me,  one of my counterparts suggested we sing it twice and on the second time, have the congregation sing along. That song is one of the first ones we learn in Sunday school every year. It's one of the first songs I learned in Sunday school all those years ago. Usually, I'm fine. Yes, I'm an incredibly emotional person. I can&