
Showing posts from August, 2016

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...

It's that time of year again. The pencils, sharp. The floors, newly waxed. The crayon boxes still contain all 24 colors. The posters on the walls are perfectly arranged. Neat, orderly, clean. For about another day and a half. My classroom theme is the same as it was last year:  superheroes. I've got some pretty awesome pictures of some pretty cool things which you will find below. I got to thinking about superheroes and teaching and such things recently {part of that is because I have been watching the Marvel movies that I somehow hadn't seen yet}, and it made me realize something. I'm not the superhero in my classroom. I'm Alfred, giving my students the space and tools to create what they need to create to make their little minds stronger. I'm Pepper Potts, reeling back in these kiddos when things get out of hand. I'm Aunt May or Martha Lane for some kids, the comforting shoulder and presence. I'm SHIELD, keeping an eye on