
Showing posts from January, 2017

We'll Take a Cup of Kindness Yet

Can I be honest about something? I really don't like New Year's Eve. Not the actual date itself, I mean. Just really the expectations of New Year's Eve. Maybe one day I will feel differently, but for now, I'm not very fond of the holiday. Perhaps it has something to do with the idea that you're supposed to spend the last day of the year partying and then turn around and start working out/waking up earlier/eating healthier/whatever resolution you've made for yourself. Starting off the new year with a hangover also doesn't seem like the greatest idea, either. Again, maybe I'm just doing it wrong, and maybe one of you dear readers will be able to convince me otherwise someday. I much prefer to spend the day at home, with family or friends--more of the way I have spent my whole year, and the way I hope to continue the coming year. And maybe that is another part of it. To me, NYE should be spent reflecting on the past year, not just going out to party becau