My Library Card Problem
As I write this post, we are in the last days of July. August is almost upon us, and the dawn of that month brings a lot of questions to which no one--and I mean no one-- has satisfactory answers. I have a general-ish, vague idea of what my job as a teacher is going to look like in a few weeks. I have a thousand questions, some of which I cannot even articulate yet. So I'm not going to talk about teaching in this post. {Side note, that was always the plan for this was never going to be about teaching, but I was currently feeling the introduction, so I went with it.} I'm going to talk about my other job. My new summer job. The job I am viewing as a stepping stone toward an eventual dream job. That's right: my job as a library clerk. Libraries have been impacted by the pandemic and the shut-down just like every other business. We are just now getting ready to transition back to open doors. The closing of libraries has been unfortunate for many people across the...