
Showing posts from July, 2020

My Library Card Problem

As I write this post, we are in the last days of July. August is almost upon us, and the dawn of that month brings a lot of questions to which no one--and I mean no one-- has satisfactory answers.  I have a general-ish, vague idea of what my job as a teacher is going to look like in a few weeks. I have a thousand questions, some of which I cannot even articulate yet.  So I'm not going to talk about teaching in this post. {Side note, that was always the plan for this was never going to be about teaching, but I was currently feeling the introduction, so I went with it.} I'm going to talk about my other job. My new summer job. The job I am viewing as a stepping stone toward an eventual dream job. That's right:  my job as a library clerk. Libraries have been impacted by the pandemic and the shut-down just like every other business. We are just now getting ready to transition back to open doors. The closing of libraries has been unfortunate for many people across the c

A Summer List

We are 2/3 of the way through July. That means August is almost here. That means that school will be starting in less than a month. What that looks like for sure is still uncertain, as are most things right now, but hopefully we see some positive changes soon.  Since I did not post a list for June, I have decided to just post one list for the whole summer! It will be longer than usual, of course, because I have watched a lot of shows, read a lot of books, listened to a lot of get the idea. And because this will be a bit long, I'm not going to waste a lot of time on the introduction. My Current Books If you didn't know, I started working at the Onarga Public Library this summer. This has been both a blessing and a curse {don't worry, I have an entire post planned on just that topic}, but suffice it to say, I have been reading a lot more than normal. And I normally  read a whole-stinking-lot, so I'm going to highlight a couple of my favorites and then just

Guess who's back!

Hey, everyone! I’m coming back to my blog after a hiatus of about a month or so. There are a few reasons I took a break. Some fun family stuff was going on, and I wanted to focus on that. My brother and his wife had a lovely pandemic wedding at the end of May, and I am so excited for them as they begin this stage of their life together! Another reason is that I haven’t really been on Facebook much, which is where I post the link to my blog. I decided to delete the app in June to take a little break, and then the world shifted again. And in the midst of everything, my voice was and is not the voice that needed to be heard. There are other voices that deserved a chance to be heard—not that I think my voice overshadows those voice on a normal day. That would be stretching it just a bit. It just didn’t seem respectful, in my opinion, for me to be posting blog entries about the coffee I’m drinking or the books I’m reading when there are more important things people should be reading and e