30 Day Blogging Challenge
These days, people challenge themselves to do just about anything. Running every day, eating healthier, reading more, etc. Generally, people put a time limit on their challenges, like working out every day for a month. Time limits force you to keep up with your challenge and allow results to be visible. If you just say, "I want to run every day for a week," and then expect to be able to run a particular race, well, it just ain't gonna happen. And so I scrounged around online, searching for a blogging challenge. As I may have said before, coming up with topics isn't always easy, so having topics already lined up makes my life happier. September has 30 days, so what a better time to start? I found three or four, which all had the same basic topics in different orders. I decided to edit the lists myself and compile them and delete parts I didn't like. Some of the items I'm still not crazy about, but whatever. Some topics will allow for more depth, while other...