Coolest Classroom Ever!

There are some awesome classroom themes out there. Any teacher store is jammed full of borders and posters and nametags and various cutouts in any sort of theme one can imagine. Owls. Cowboys. Pirates. Polka dots and stripes and animal print. In fact, I don't know any teacher who can go into a teacher store without rethinking their entire year plan. "Oh, that would be so much fun!" "Those zoo animals are soooo cute!" "That border would look awesome!"

I have seen some very cool ones. Most of the people in my building have awesome themes in their rooms. Last year, I tried to go my own way and make my theme items--a rock and roll theme. But I didn't keep up with it, and to be honest, it was difficult to find things to supplement it.

This year, however, I went a different route. I decided I still wanted to do a lot of it myself. Maybe it's the scrapbooker in me, I don't know, but I got it in my head that I could make everything and it would turn out awesome. And I had an amazing idea--a super fun theme that I could tie to everything we do. A theme I could get excited about, and a theme that was relevant to the current times (in a'll be more relevant in December).

And so I invite you to join me in my J.R.R. Tolkien themed classroom!

I could have just gone with The Hobbit, but the Lord of the Rings lends itself so well to things. My door, for example. (I apologize for the low-quality pictures--they are from my phone!)
The leaves from Lothlorien with each kiddo's name on them...and together, we are "The Fellowship of 4B." And thank you, internet, for all of your free LOTR-style fonts. This is the inside of my door. The outside is even cooler.

Yep. My door has a hobbit door on it...and a super welcoming quote. I love it.

Moving on to my job chart.
Various dwarves delegating various tasks...I love it.

My Accelerated Reader bulletin board...
This just makes me smile every time I sit at my computer.

You can't quite read it, but it says "From sea to mountains to forest...where will your journey take you?" And then beneath it are Thorin's map from The Hobbit and a general map of Middle Earth.

And what classroom would be complete without a plethora of posters--motivational and otherwise?

Like I said in the title, I really think I have the coolest classroom ever. And tomorrow, on the second day of school, I start reading The Hobbit aloud to my class. The whole thing is coming full circle :) and I love it!!!

Stay gold, y'all!


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