Trick or Treat!
Tomorrow is Halloween, and as I have a violin lesson in the evening, I will do my Halloween post tonight. I apologize for being so long in posting...all the elements of my life are currently in a battle for my attention...I cannot wait until November 11 because that means everything is over and I don't have school so I can sleep in and maybe get caught up on myself. Right now, it's murder trying to carve out an hour to watch television or read. I have to put other things I really should be doing on the back burner just so I don't lose my sanity...but that's an introverted thing, I guess. Anyway, Halloween is tomorrow! I love dressing up, and if I could, I would wear a costume to school tomorrow. But alas, I cannot, so I shall resort to daydreaming about it (although I probably won't sit with my head in my hands, arms propped on my desk, staring out the window and sighing happily about this...that isn't what I mean by daydream). Even though I am not in a coup...