
Showing posts from March, 2015

If you Keep on Believing...

So right now, I'm rather upset about something. I really wanted to do some kind of vague, passive-aggressive blog post/Facebook post/series of tweets/watch The Hobbit  until my anger vanished. But I decided to be above all that and instead post about something I've been super excited about recently. And that something is Cinderella. Honest to goodness, if you haven't seen this movie yet, drop everything and go. Right now. I'm not kidding. You can finish reading this later. Everything about this movie is wonderful and perfect and charming...especially the prince. Boy howdy, is he charming!  I mean, look at those eyes...and that smile. Dear Richard Madden never smiled like that when he was Robb Stark (granted, Robb Stark never really had much to smile about). Random fun fact about our lovely Prince Kit. He had a bit of the male-version of the Princess Leia problem (being too...large for his costume and having to be...restrained in a certain way). Maybe you don'

Let's Raid!

Okay, so occasionally I come on here, to this blog on which I randomly post random things about nothing of any real importance, and I post something deep that may or may not change your life. This is not one of those times. This is one of those times where I get on to this blog on which I randomly post about things of virtually no importance and wax poetic about a current obsession. Usually, that means Tolkien, but we're in uncharted waters here, boys. And girls. And animals with access to computers. We all need to sit down and have a very serious discussion about vikings .  Not the dumb old football team from Minnesota (sorry, I'm still rather bitter about the whole Brett Favre thing). Not the guys on the Capital One commercials. I'm talkin' about Vikings, the best show on the History Channel. And yes, that's including Pawn Stars. Source: If you have not managed to catch any part of this show, you really should start. It's not for the