
Showing posts from October, 2015

Autumnal Ramblings

I've been away from blogging for a while. I've missed it, too. It's amazing how therapeutic writing can be--of course, anyone who keeps a journal knows that (and I'm one of those people, too, so I can say so with confidence). Writing of any kind works wonders for the soul. I haven't written in anything beyond my journal in months. Obviously not here, when my dashboard tells me I haven't posted since August 7. Not in any of my WIPs/novelly-ideas/really-long-short-stories. I need to get back in the habit. So we're blogging again! And now forgive me for being a total "white girl," but we're blogging about my favorite season...autumn. I'm going to be a hipster for a moment, because I loved fall before  it was cool. No, but seriously. Fall has always been my favorite season, ever since I was a little kid. My birthday is in October, so there's definitely that. I grew up raking leaves into big piles and jumping in them (but without a wet s...