Wise Words
Here we go, time for some more WISE WORDS! Or, as I call it in my head "Vital Information for your Everyday Life!" {Anybody else remember that All That! sketch? Classic Nickelodeon, where did you go?} Anywho, my Wise Words today come from one of my all-time favorite ladies. You know her, you love her {at least I'm assuming you do}, and here she is today...Miss Jane Austen! {And the crowd goes wild...wait, that's only in my head? Moving on...} Now Jane comes to use today through the words of one of her most famous characters, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, the heroine of Pride and Prejudice , and the Austen lady we'd all like to be best friends with. {At this point, you can just insert "I" for "we"...I just want you all to feel included}. These wise words come from near the end of Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, aka Sexy McSexerton, have just professed that they now both love each other. Previously, Mr. D loved Lizzie, but L...