Never Have I Ever

This is not that drinking game you played in college. Just to clear up any confusion...

Okay, I have a confession to make before an actual confession. I have noticed that my blog posts in which I reveal the most personal information about myself get the highest number of readers. My confession is that I can't decide if I am flattered by that or disturbed by that. Either way, that isn't going to stop me from posting about myself {all well within Victorian standards of behavior, I assure you}.

I have written before about my dating life {or lack thereof}. I have written before about {well, to} my Dear Future Husband. I have written before about about my hopes and dreams for the future, and I think a few things are {or should be} clear about me. I am a straight, fairly-normalish, twenty-something person who would someday like to be someone's wife.

But damn it, dating is hard!

I have been told before that I am picky, and while that is probably true, it is much deeper than that. The problem is when people tell you you're picky, even when it's something you really can't control, you start to wonder about yourself. Is there something wrong with me? Why can't I seem to move past this--everyone else in the world seems able to find someone acceptable to date, and yet I can't get past things like height and when people wear stupid looking hats or tell me that "our ten year age difference doesn't matter because guys can have kids at any age." And yes, that did happen to me once. AND YOU WONDER WHY I'M PICKY????

Yet I digress already. I came across an article on Pinterest over the summer. I have found it again via a blog post on The Huffington Post. It was written by a woman named Katie Heaney, and in it, Katie outlined her theory about girls. How some girls are lighthouses and some girls are "Bermuda Triangles," and Katie herself is a "Bermuda Triangle." You will understand better if you read Katie's words, so here is a link for that blog post. Then I come to find out this post is actually the preface {or foreward or whatever} from Katie's book Never Have I Ever:  My Life (So Far) Without a Date. So I immediately requested it from the library and devoured it in a day.
And then I realized I am a Bermuda Triangle, but that I am not alone. Because everything Katie says in her book sounds exactly like what happens in my head! I wish, wish, wish I could post entire excerpts from her book without getting sued because it is all just solid gold. She writes about her life in a very honest way. My favorite section might have been about online dating, because she totally gets how much it sucks. For example, here is one small quote from that section:

"One of the things I hate about dating profiles is that it is nearly impossible to describe yourself without sounding either totally boring or completely insane. Very few people are able to sound like they’re somewhere in between, even though most people surely are. I hate the broadness of a profile section called “A little about me.” How is that possible? “I like happiness.” “I am hungry a lot and I like books.” “One time I think I saw a UFO but I was ten and it could have been anything and I don’t want you to think I’m crazy so I don’t even know why I brought that up.”"

I about died laughing when I read that because, if you have ever online dated, you will know that is so incredibly true. 

Anyway, if you feel similarly to me about dating {or if you are one of those people who has found the love of their life and would like a good chuckle at the misfortunes of the lowly few who have not been so lucky}, then I highly recommend you read this book. It isn't any kind of a dating handbook or anything. I would only call it a self-help book because it helped me to see that I am not, in fact, alone in my singleness or my views on it. I am not weird {well, I know I'm weird, but not in that way}.

And it also does not escape my notice that this especially good advice comes from a Katie {I have a lot of amazing Katies in my life}. 😁

~Stay Gold!


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