
Showing posts from July, 2017

Why Worry?

I've been noticeably absent lately. Both in my blog and in myself, I suppose you could say. I haven't felt settled for the past couple of weeks. Part of that, I'm sure, comes from the merriment and general hoopla surrounding the wedding of my beautiful sister and wonderful brother-in-law. There had been so much to do before the wedding--daily, I found myself doing something that related back to their coming nuptials. And then, when it was said and done, my calendar became very empty. At first, I reveled in that! I'm an introvert who loves creating things, and it's easiest to write, craft, read, etc., by oneself.  But the problem with my being alone for too long is that my thoughts start to wander and build up. And 99% of them are worries. What if...I can't juggle grad school and teaching? What if...all this writing I do is for naught? What wedding never comes? What if...I never get to visit New Zealand? What if...I'm not