Confessions of a Craftaholic
When I sat down at my computer just a few minutes ago {okay, it's been longer than a few minutes}, I had no idea what I was going to write about. Like, my mind went totally blank. Should I write a blog post about period dramas and romances? A post about wine? Drink wine while writing a post about period dramas and romances? Clearly, my mind is going in a very strange direction. Then I glanced around my room and noticed my knitting basket. For those of you who just laughed, yes, I have a knitting basket. In fact, I have two, plus a bag. One holds all of my yarn {or as much as will fit, hence the need for a bag}. The other holds my current knitting project so I can easily carry it wherever I want to go knit. I can keep my notebook {yes, I have a knitting notebook...stop laughing}, my needles, my scissors, my embroidery needle, the skein wrappers, and the current work in progress. Knitting Basket #1 {and bag} Right now, that smaller basket holds a wrap sweater I am knitting for...