A Long List for a Short Month

February. Chapter 2 of 12.

I didn't think it was going to come. After all, January was approximately 1,873,252 days long. We didn't see the sun for days...quite literally days here in Illinois. And with Punxsutawney Phil not seeing his shadow, spring should be arriving in less than six weeks. I'm not holding my breath or anything right now.

But let's dive into this month's list before I lose my nerve and start rambling about something else. I'm not sure what it would be, but it probably wouldn't be any fun to read. Or it might, I don't actually know. And I don't know if this list is actually long, but it sounded good in the title, so there's that for you.

My Current Book(s)
I am still reading The Fiery Cross, as I was in January. I am officially on page 813 of 1443 {as of writing this post}, so over halfway! I also have this month's book club book at the ready, though I did just lend it out to someone. But at some point this month, I will read The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. We have a lot of fun at Wines & Spines, so I'm excited to see what conversations this book sparks!
Image result for the kitchen house book"
My Current Show(s)
Yes, this month, I refuse to settle for one thing. Maybe not in every category, but at least in these two. That's because some of my favorite shows are starting back up this month! That's right, Brooklyn Nine-Nine premieres on Thursday, MacGyver premieres on Friday, and Outlander returns on the 16th. Droughtlander is ALMOST OVER, PEOPLE!!!!!
Image result for macgyver season 4"
Image result for brooklyn nine nine season 7"
Image result for outlander season 5"
My Current Podcast
My nerd is showing this month. I have listened to The British History Podcast since 2017--not continuously, but I go through spurts. This year, with deciding to focus on one podcast a month, the BHP is back on the loop. I've learned a lot of interesting things about British history. The podcast begins with prehistory, and I am up to the year 799 in episode 161. The original intent was to do a year of podcasting, starting with prehistory and ending with World War II. This September, they reached year 1000, and episode 340 dropped in January. I'd say the second World War is way off.
Image result for the british history podcast"
My Current Scent
My candle right now is one I got from my secret pal! It's a caramel maple candle. I don't usually go for the sweet smells, but after burning a salted caramel candle last month, I'm kind of hooked {at least with the caramel scents}.
Image result for starlytes caramel maple candle"
My Current Tea
Did I mention my nerd was showing this month? In the last couple of years, I have gotten into "fandom teas" {or, tea blends that are "based on" characters in books or movies}. In honor of the premiere of Outlander, I have a three set of loose teas ready to go. First up is The Sassenach, which is an earl gray lavender and berry tea. Then I'll switch to The Scot, followed by The Redcoat. All three were purchased from an Etsy shop. It's really hard for me not to spend all of my money here.
The Sassenach Loose Leaf Tea  Earl Grey Lavender Tea Berry image 0 
The Scot Loose Leaf Tea  Assam Melody Ginger and image 0   The Redcoat Loose Leaf Tea  Gunpowder Currant Red image 0
My Current Coffee
I shifted things around last month. I intended to start drinking Highlander Grogg, but that will end up being my coffee for February. In its place, I started brewing Door County Creme. Vanilla and hazelnuts--how do you go wrong there?
Mug of Door County Creme
I'm leaving snacks off the list again. I know, that makes me a horrible person. Or maybe just a boring person. So far, my "eating healthy" goal hasn't gone quite perfectly, but I have high hopes for February! Plus, I know that even though the Christmas chocolate is gone {almost}, I'm bound to get at least one thing of chocolate from my students on Valentine's Day. It seems silly to let that deliciousness go to waste, right?

I hope your February is off to a good start! As always, if you have any suggestions for any of these categories {or suggestions for new categories}, let me know!


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