Being Kinda "Knotty"

I have a confession to make.

I'm about to bore you to tears.

Okay, maybe not literally, but I'm writing about something I find terribly exciting, and there are those of you, dear readers, who may not agree. So I'm giving you an out. Right now, just stop reading.

Is anyone still there? Good. Because we're about to get "knotty."

I love to knit. There, I said it. If I could do nothing but knit, read, write, and drink tea, I'd be a very contented person. Not exciting, just contented. I've been knitting for a few years now. I wish I could say I learned from my grandmother or something that sounds much better than "I learned from Youtube." Actually, that doesn't sound too bad--Youtube is pretty indispensable when it comes to knitting. You can watch videos of all the stitches, which makes it easier to catch on sometimes. Up until recently, though, my knitting has not been varied. I knit scarves (the essential beginner project). I've knitted boot cuffs, ear bands, cowls (I can turn out a mean cowl in nothing flat), and I've just begun knitting washcloths. I guess I shouldn't say "recently," because this story really begins last Christmas time.

I wanted to knit things for my family members as part of their Christmas gifts. I knitted scarves for both of my grandmothers. I've knitted one scarf for my brother, two scarves and an earband for my mother, a waffle-knitted cowl for my sister (which I'm just realizing is not 100% finished...I really need to tie in those ends). So I asked my dad what he would like me to knit him. But he doesn't wear scarves, he told me, and he has enough ear bands. I figured that was the end of it...and then he asked me if I could knit him a hat.

I had seen some pretty simple hat patterns on Pinterest (another invaluable resource for knitters). I figured it wouldn't be too difficult to try a hat, so I found some patterns and asked him which one he wanted. But then I learned that the hat my father wanted was very, very specific.

He wanted a Pasquinel hat.

Now, if you're like me, you are clueless as to the meaning of that. But thank goodness for the internet! Back in 1978, there was a mini-series on NBC called Centennial, about a mining town in Colorado. There was a character on that show, played by Robert Conrad (who I know and love as Jim West from Wild Wild West). This character's name was Pasquinel, and he wore a very distinctive red
Back to the internet I went! As luck would have it, I found a pattern for this hat. I know this is a poor picture of it, but as you can (or can't) see, the bottom of the hat is ribbed, and then that hat is knitted in a very plain fashion until the top. When the hat is worn, the top of the hat folds down into the band of the hat. I started it over the summer (or maybe it was this spring), in the hopes that I would have it done in time for cold weather. Should be a cinch, right?

Actually, it was just as complicated as it sounds. I had never knitted "in the round" before, and so that was an experience getting used to. It's very easy for the yarn to get twisted up like that. Then I had to switch from size 5 round needles to size 6, and then when I started decreasing the rows for the top of the hat, I had to switch to three double-pointed needles, and let me tell you, that was not fun. I finished the hat on Sunday, and let's just say there were some tears and some very bad words spoken by yours truly. And the tips of my fingers were still raw Monday morning.

But...I think it looks pretty good.

And I think my dad kinda looks like Robert Conrad on the show...but maybe that's just me.
Anyway, I'm not sure I'll be attempting such an involved project any time soon. But who knows? I might need another hat like that someday. It's really warm, let me tell you!

~Stay gold!


  1. Your Dad does resemble Robert Conrad, and the Hat looks amazing. Way to stick with a difficult project. If you make anymore I know lots of re-enactors who would buy them from you. Sharon Hast

  2. That looks awesome! Kelsey knits as well but she arm knits - thanks, YouTube! I can't believe how expensive yarn is. I am always on the look out for a sale or coupon :)

    1. I absolutely agree! It can be a huge expense. Maybe she and I should open an Etsy shop, so we can get some of our money back :) "Knits by Finks" has quite a ring to it LOL

  3. I love that name - and that idea!


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