Living Intentionally

Another year has come around--isn't it exciting to think about all the things 2016 has in store?

I realize I have been noticeably absent from my blog as of late. Well, at least I noticed...perhaps no one else did, and that's okay. Because it makes my next few paragraphs a little easier.

I sat down at my computer (and by "sat down at it," I mean "sat on my bed with it in my lap," but that's a bit wordy) many, many times over the last few months. I had ideas for posts, but none of them seemed...worthy, I guess. And compared to everything else that was going on in my life over the last five or six months, writing in my blog seemed frivolous. Not exactly a waste of time, but I felt guilty, as if instead of indulging myself by writing, I should be doing other things...spending time with other people so I wouldn't have any regrets. Not that anyone ever made me feel that way, but we all know how it is...the things we think in our head are not always what the outside world is telling us.

So the rest of August slipped by, and then September and October, followed by November. A very hard November. And then suddenly I didn't regret not writing in lieu of other things. That other time spent other places is now cherished and golden, but I couldn't help thinking that someone, somewhere might be disappointed in me. After all, writing is something that I love to do. It brings me joy and peace, and I'm fairly decent at it. It's a release and something that I aspire to beyond the pages of this humble blog. I do feel that I've been given a gift (or maybe a knack, if gift sounds too presumptuous) with words, and this particular person would never want me to squander it.

As winter break approached and my days began to be filled with sleeping in, Netflix, and catching up with friends, I began thinking about my little blog here. I felt the need to start writing again--it really is a need. But I wanted to do better this time around. This couldn't just be a time-filler. If I was going to blog again, to really craft my writing, then I needed to have a plan. For some reason, the word "intentional" kept swirling through my mind. And since New Year's is often a time for attempting to make changes in one's life, I used it as an opportunity. I did a little digging online about "being intentional," and I have been completely blown away by what I found.

Being's an entire lifestyle! There are pages and pages of articles online on how to live your life with intention (the following sentences are not my own, but I honestly can't remember which article I read them in, so I will post links to a few of those articles below if you are interested in learning more).

Living intentionally is all about understanding that my attitudes, feelings, thoughts, and actions directly impact all of my experiences. I feel like whenever I say that or read it, it seems like such a given. Of course all those things go together, but if you really dig down and think about it...about everything you say and feel and think and it's all connected to your life and your experience. Ergo, if you think positively and act positively and say positive things, your life will seem more positive than if you focus on the negative. Again, kind of a given, but just digest it for awhile. It's also about knowing why you do what you do and why you don't do what you don't do. If you exercise, is it because you want to feel and be healthier, or is it because it's what's done? If you don't drink pop, is it because you don't feel its healthy or you can't handle the caffeine or it's cheaper not to or you just really like iced tea? The "whys" in life are huge! You have to be willing to step back and evaluate the things that you're doing. Why am I blogging? Is it because I really need to share my innermost thoughts with all of you? Is it because everybody has a blog these days? And living intentionally is about doing the things that are important to you EVEN WHEN THEY'RE NOT EASY! It is not easy sometimes to stare at that flashing cursor on the screen. It's not easy to find inspiration or time to write. But if I'm going to be intentional about this, then I need to find the time and inspire myself or find a way to be inspired.
So things will be changing around here and in my life. If this is important to me, then it's going to happen. I've got some fun new ideas, some old ideas that need revamping, and some thoughts that I just need to get down on a blank screen to see how they go. So if I start blowing up your Facebook feed (and by "blowing up," I mean posting something every day), I apologize in advance (but I'm actually not sorry :] ). And if the spirit so moves you, be intentional about what you see here. Let me know what you like or don't like, if you agree or disagree. Just know that I'll be here either way, posting to my little heart's content.

~Stay Gold!

P.S. Here are the two main articles I read:
Be Intentional

Live your Way
(Images found on Google Images)


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