Back to Europe: Munich, Day 1

It's been a while since I've posted about my summer vacation in Europe, and as I was going through my pictures, I realized I only posted about a small portion of the trip. I covered the part of our trip through France, but I haven't yet touched on the other two countries we visited. So, on we go!

After we left Paris, we were headed for Munich, Germany. Our train stopped about halfway between because there was an "obstruction on the tracks." We never really found exactly what that meant, but we ended up making it to Munich in one piece. Our hotel was easy to get to on the S-Bahn--only a short walk from the train station. If you are every in Munich, I highly recommend the LetoMotel. Ours was very new and very nice--our room even featured a rainwater shower head. It was quite wonderful, but the best part was actually not part of the hotel. Next to the hotel, there was a bakery called Wimmer, and that was were we took our breakfast, as part of the hotel stay. It was the same every morning, but it was good. A basket of breads (each!), a plate of cold cuts and cheese, a hard boiled egg, and tea. Oh, it was great. Not a typical breakfast, but very good anyway. I wish I had pictures...

Now, our first full day in Munich was a repeat for me, but a new experience for my sister. We took the S-Bahn a few stops to Dachau. Being students of history, we both felt that visiting a concentration camp would be appropriate...and sobering. Very sobering.

Nothing quite prepares you for what you are going to see there. Earlier in June, during Audra's Washington, D.C., trip with her eighth graders, we visited the Holocaust Museum.

It would take too much to recount all that we saw, so I shall simply let the pictures speak for themselves.


Dachau was established in 1933 as a camp for political prisoners and served as the model for all other concentration camps. Over 200,000 people from all over Europe were imprisoned here; 41,500 were murdered there. The camp was liberated on April 29, 1945. It is interesting to note that Dachau's gas chamber was never used.


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