I'm baaack!!!!

Hello, faithful readers...casual readers...random stumblers. No, I am not dead or lying in a hospital bed in a coma. I must apologize for not posting in...way too many days. Let's not count. I've been busy--I have hardly had a moment for myself. And as an introvert, I need time for myself to de-stress and all that jazz.

So I've been wound...tight. Tighter than...well, something really tight. And I have to apologize to my kiddos at school, because there may have been one or two instances when I overreacted to something. But only one or two. I promise.

My 30 day challenge failed. Yay for me for choosing one of the busiest months of the year to try this in. Maybe January would be better...not much going on in January. And a good way to start out the new year...I'm liking this idea. So never fear! It will be back to the completely random ramblings you all fell in love with (or were moderately amused by...or found annoying and never came back--whichever!). I'll try to keep it exciting (ha!) or at least fairly consistent.

And I'm going to post these links on Facebook and Twitter every time I post...because I realized through my dashboard, I can see that the number of people who read this blog when I post a link is ten times greater than when I don't...and that isn't even an exaggeration.

Stay gold!


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