Day 2: Mia Familia

No, I'm not Italian, but I like the way the phrase sounds when Buddy, the Cake Boss, says it. My family is, in one word, awesome. Every branch of my family tree is unique and special and incredible. I'm honestly not sure where to start when describing them.

My immediate family--parents and siblings--is very close. My parents were very good at making family time a priority. I can't count the number of times I skipped doing things in high school because we were having a movie night. Our family vacations were just that--family centered. No friends along for us; we were spending time together, just the five of us. Sure, we fight and argue with each other--probably more often than we should--but we spend hours laughing at things no one else would understand. 

And then you have my extended family--three loving grandparents, fourteen aunts and uncles, and forty cousins (spouses and children included). I will tell you this--it doesn't matter which side of the family, Rowe or Fink, every gathering includes good food, lots of laughter, and a desire to stay all night. Even when we were kids, my cousins and I would spend hours playing all kinds of made up games. On the Fink side, you had "Nazis in the Kitchen"--it would take too long to explain this, and no one else would understand it even if I tried. We played Undercover Cops, Prairie Schoolhouse--we used to rearrange our grandparents' house and turn it into a hotel. And then on the Rowe side, it didn't matter the holiday, we were doing some kind of scavenger hunt, roaming around the second floor and opening cupboards, looking for things or clues. I recall one game which involved us "jumping" into the painting over the fireplace and then facing that painting world. Both families always had some kind of sport going on--a football game, home run derby, basketball, kickball. We'd gather around the television and watch movies and football games, play in the barn and the I said, it was pretty incredible growing up in the family I did.

I'm keeping this post short, simply because I could ramble on for pages and pages and pages about my family. And to be quite honest, they would be the only ones who might understand some of it :)

Stay Gold :)


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