Day 7: Gender Ramblings

I thought this post idea was very interesting. "Things that irritate you about the opposite (or same) sex." Goodness knows we hear enough of this from sitcoms and romantic comedies and songs on the radio and all that jazz. The only problem is these are generalizations. Not ever man or woman does the same things that irritate people; so these will be generalizations, also. I haven't met every single man or woman on the planet (obviously) so I can only go on my personal experiences for the opposite sex and my own experience as a female.

Things that Irritate me about Women

1. The Gossip. I'm not going to lie; I have gossiped. I've worked in a public place and listened to hear what was going on in other people's lives. Why women gossip, I don't know. It's just something most of us do. We want to share information, whether it be good or bad--and not all gossip is bad! It could be someone getting engaged or having a baby or changing their look in a positive way. The thing I can't stand about it all is mostly the gossips themselves. If you start gossiping about someone else to me, I know when I leave the room, you will be gossiping about me. This honestly has no place in certain locations--work, church, places where you are constantly around the other person. I don't think all women realize that or think about it or whatever. Why can't we just be nice to each other all the time?

2. The Emotions. I'm a woman, and I hate my emotions! Sometimes it is just too much--it's too easy to feel slighted or betrayed or left out. And how much of it is honestly in our minds? Everything is the end of the world--believe me, I've said it before and I completely believe it at times. Our emotions mess up our logic, gentlemen, and that is why you seem to think we are so complex. When I'm mad, half the time I don't know why, and if I go back to the root cause, it is usually something I did or didn't do. We can be complex creatures--you know this.

3. The Invisible Measuring Stick. We women constantly compare ourselves to other women. "She's a better mom than me." "Her hair looks better than mine." "She's married and I'm still single." I don't know where this measuring stick came from, but we carry it around and compare ourselves to every other female we see. I do it--almost every day, I find some way I fall inadequately on the stick. It's frustrating and maddening, trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing or wearing. And I'm saying this next part as much for myself as for other women:  we need to be content with what we have and are. Because that woman you're comparing yourself to is comparing herself to you right back, and in her mind, she's inadequate.

Things that Irritate me about Men.

1. The Whole "I don't get women" Thing. I know, this makes me sound like a complex creature, as I just stated we are indeed complex. But when you get down to the root of it, we aren't all that complex. Every woman (or at least 98% of us) wants the exact same things:  to be happy, to feel loved and supported, to feel pretty. I think this honestly goes for all men, too. Every woman is different and perceives those things in a different way. If you stop thinking about "women" as a whole and start thinking of the individual, things get a lot less complex.

2. Chauvinism. Not all men are chauvinists, but there are far too many who still have a complex about females. You. Are. Not. Better. Than. Me. Repeat that yourself one million times. Yes, we look different. Yes, there are some things for which men and women are more naturally suited. But just because you're a man doesn't give you the right to hold that against me or feel like you can lord over me.

3. Feet. I'm sorry, but I can't stand men's feet. It irritates me when they wear sandals and when they go sock-foot. I hate when they wear those dumb athletic shoes that they don't tie and when they wear slippers. You can either go barefoot or wear one of three kinds of shoes:  dress shoes, work boots (that you actually use to do work), and athletic shoes you actually play sports in. And if you choose barefoot, you had better not touch me with your feet. I'm serious, too.

Ha! More necessary information for your every day life :)

Stay gold!


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