Day 11: What if...?

As we reflect on today and what it means and how we have changed as individuals and as a nation in the last 12 years, there are a lot of "What ifs" that come to mind. What if the attacks on 9/11 had never happened? What if we had reacted differently? What if it happens again?

Then my mind goes further. What if President Lincoln hadn't been assassinated? What if Kennedy had lived? What if Martin Luther King, jr., had been able to see his dream come true?

And then I go personal. What if I never get married? What if I get in a car accident on the way to school? What if I die before I get to see The Hobbit part 2? (The mood of this post is shifting...)

But there is one thing I have always wondered "what if" about, and that is the topic of today's post. What if I fall tomorrow and hit my head and get amnesia? Have you ever thought about that...I mean really thought about that? Yes, there are movies like Fifty First Dates to give us ideas on what it would be like. But what if suddenly you had no memory of who you were? And you didn't know anyone around you or where you were? What do you do then?

Is it like getting a clean slate? You get a second chance at life. You can be whoever you want, completely change everything about yourself. You can move some place else, maybe far away, because you no longer remember these people who have emotional ties to you. And what if all of a sudden, you're really gifted at something? Like math or music or athletics? Does that happen?

Mind you, I don't ever want this to happen, but it allows for a lot of speculation. I'm not sure what else to say on this...and my brain is quite fried! I apologize for this lackluster post (and others like it...there will be more until it cools off...and no, as soon as it gets cold, I won't be wishing it were hot. I like cold weather).

Stay gold!


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