Day 10: Bein' Quirky

This post caught my eye. I think it is kind of fun and very interesting to think about. So just let me go with it and see what happens...and what you learn!

Weird things you do when you're alone

1. I sing...a lot. Real songs. Made up songs. Elaborate, operatic singing. Singing in an accent. Whatever. I do it a lot.

2. I talk to myself. Not in a creepy way, but more in like a "I'm narrating my life" way. Which maybe is creepy...I don't know.

3. I clean. I don't like things to be messy, so even when I'm home alone for the weekend (some of my favorite weekends!) I am constantly straightening up after myself.

4. I talk to my dog like she is a person...which she is. Just a very furry, four-legged person. I do this when I'm around people but more so when I'm alone.

5. I turn on all the lights. I know that I'm the only one in the house, but that doesn't mean somebody didn't break in while I was in the shower and is now waiting for me to walk by so he can crazy murder me. So every light in the house is on. Sorry, Mother Nature. I'm paranoid.

I don't know that these are necessarily weird things, but they are things I don't usually do when I'm around other people. I'm sure this is much tamer than what some people might have been thinking when they read the challenge for the day :)

Stay Gold!


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