Day 15: Relationship Status

So I'm a bad kid...I didn't post yesterday. I give the excuse that I was insanely tired. Take it or leave it.

But my relationship status? This is always an interesting thing to find on a list of things to post about (and I love that they always add "if single, post about being single"). Single is a relationship status; not sure why it needs a qualifier.

I digress. Back to the meat of the post.

Hi.  I'm Kaitlin. I'm single, and I'm okay with that. I sound like I'm at some kind of support meeting, but it's true. I really am okay with being single. I'm not "super excited that I'm unattached." I'm not "super devastated that I'm not in a relationship." I'm "okay." There are good days and bad days. Some days, I do that awful girl thing where I lament the fact that I'm never going to get married because I'm not in a relationship right this second. Some days, I think I'd like to move to the middle of nowhere and never see anyone ever again.

Mostly, I'm just okay. I went skydiving this summer (I'm sure you're all tired of hearing about that!), and not to sound super cliché (but it's going to sound cliché), but it changed my life. Not in a drastic way, but in a "I'm going to evaluate myself" kind of way. I really thought about all the things I want to do in my life, and all the things I now am not as scared to do, and I realized something:  I can't do all of those if I'm toting around a boyfriend/husband/kids. I'm also incredibly busy! And any free time I get is immediately devoted to destressing in my introverted way (aka, me time). I teach all day; I come home and grade papers and lesson plan. I go to choir practice. I go to violin lessons. I attend church meetings and music club gatherings and tutor children and spend time with my family and friends...which doesn't leave much time for anyone else (sorry). I'm also currently living at home. It's hard to do things with people when you constantly have to be on someone else's turf. If I had my own place, I could have a date over to watch How I Met Your Mother or something like that. I'm working on it...let's just put it that way.

This does not, however, mean I would deliberately not date someone because I'm okay with being single and busy and blah blah blah. If Luke Evans asked me to marry him tomorrow, I'd be on the first plane to London. All kidding aside, though, I would like to be in a relationship. Some days I wonder if I'm emotionally ready for that, but you've got to practice at it, just like every thing else. I'm a teacher--I want kids someday. Lots of kids (adoption, foster care, etc...I don't plan on having my own TLC show). And I want a husband someday, but let me just say, this man is going to have to be an interesting combination of attributes. Dealing with my crazy is a full time job. But, given that I don't have a lot of free time, he's going to have to really knock me off my feet (possibly even figuratively...I love to dance, people) to get me to commit to something serious. And there's going to have to be some chemistry...I really don't feel like dating someone for months on end just to find out there isn't anything there. I'm not about to lead someone on and cause them to do the same thing.

When it's time for me to be in a relationship, it'll happen. I'm not going to rush it, I'm not going to force it. When the moment is right, there better be one heck of a huge sign, otherwise I might miss it (I get distracted by little things...I swear, I'm like a dog, especially when I'm supposed to be paying attention to...squirrel!). But as for me, right now, on September 16, 2013, at 5:29 p.m., I'm single, and I'm okay with that.

And on that note, stay gold :)


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