Day 5: 5 Pet Peeves

Okay, let's be real here for a second. I have way more than five...waaaaay more. But I'm narrowing it down to my top five. I'm considering any repetitive, annoying behavior or quirk to be a pet peeve. If that isn't really what a pet peeve is, I don't care. This is how I roll.

1. Bad grammar. I mean, seriously? "Your" and "you're" are not interchangeable. And no, it is not a picture of "My boyfriend and I." It is "My boyfriend and me." And I'm sorry, but you did not "done your homework." You did your homework. Get it right, people. I teach 4th grade English. I know you have come into contact with correct grammar since first grade.

2. Chewing noises of any kind. I know you're eating a banana. I can see that you have a banana in your hand. I don't need to hear it. And I can't think of a reason you could possibly need to smack your gum, so don't do it. Chewing is like buying underwear. Everyone knows you do it, but nobody wants to see it. So keep it to yourself.

3. Taking up the whole aisle. I just want to push my cart through. Must you really be on both sides of the aisle for an extended period of time? Can't you see all the cereal choices from the side where your cart is parked? And why, annoying shopper, must you always stop right in front of what I need? I know exactly what I'm looking for. If you would move, I would grab it and move on my merry way, but you must stand at the exact angle where it would be too awkward for me to reach next to you to grab my grape jelly.

4. Inappropriate public behavior. And I don't mean PDA--I'm talking about kids, ironically. I know that kids are kids--I'm a teacher! I know that kids get goofy and silly and laugh and giggle and make weird noises. BELIEVE ME--I GET IT! But does that mean it must be done for nearly an hour in the booth adjacent to me? There is such a thing as self-control. Lots of people need to learn it--adults, children, celebrities...

5. Books placed on shelves the wrong way. We all went to kindergarten, right? We all learned the rule of putting things back where we found them in a condition better than we found them, right? So can someone explain to me in what universe it makes sense to put a book back on the shelf upside down? Or with the spine against the back of the shelf? I mean, come on! It isn't that hard--I promise. This also goes for golf carts, dishes, items used daily, pens...this just really bothers me. I know I'm guilty of it from time to time, but usually, it is something that belongs to me. And I NEVER put books on shelves wrong. It bothers me enough when they aren't alphabetized or categorized or somewhat organized in a manner that makes sense. The day I start putting books on shelves backward is the day you can all call the men with the big butterfly nets.

Stay gold, peeps :)


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