Day 17: Changes

Let's have I changed in the past two years?

Physically, not much. My hair is longer. I still wear the same size clothes I did then. I finally found a bra that fits right, but other than that, things have remained constant.

Economically, two years ago at this exact time, I was unemployed. I was substitute teaching and working at Shagbark, so I guess that's not technically "unemployed," but I didn't have a full time teaching job--and wouldn't for another month or so. I moved from teaching 8th grade to teaching 4th grade. My car is two years old and no longer brand new.

Spiritually, I think we are always growing, as we should be. I don't know that my faith is stronger than it was, but I do think I'm more sure of what I believe in and how my life fits into it.

Mentally, I know more than I did then. I have more life experience. I know how to silence a classroom with one look (yes, it is like a super power). I've jumped out of an airplane and lived to tell about it (and changed quite a lot since that moment, but more on that later). I have had the opportunity to travel with friends and family. I have had to say goodbye to two groups of kids as they moved on to the next grade. I miss all of them but love my new kiddos, too.

Emotionally, I've always been all over the map, and that is no different today. I have dated people once or twice. I have thought I was in love and then realized that wasn't it. I have laughed and cried over things I now think were ridiculous. I have filled almost three journals of my day-to-day mutterings and read countless books.

All-in-all, I'd say I'm in a better place than I was two years ago. Or at least I'd like to think so.

Stay gold!


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