A Nice Cuppa

So you know how every day anymore is some kind of "holiday?" Like how Monday was "Clean off your Desk Day" (which I totally should have celebrated) and Sunday is the official "Ditch your Resolution Day" (just in case you wanted an official day for that). And we all know that March is "Women's History Month" (which should be celebrated way more than it is...and if you didn't know that March is Women's History Month, then you learned something today).

Well, get excited people, because January is...wait for it...HOT TEA MONTH!!!!!

Did you just throw confetti and squeal with joy? Oh wait, just me? Alright, moving on...

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, January is Hot Tea Month. In case you're wondering, it is also Oatmeal Month, Creativity Month, and Get Organized Month. Which is a crazy coincidence, since I've had oatmeal every day this week with my morning cuppa. And I've also been trying to get organized and be more creative...maybe we should just rename January "Kaitlin Month" (except that should be October, since October's the best).

I was just enjoying a piping hot cup of tea as I started this post. My parents got me some Harney & Son Holiday Tea for Christmas, and it is divine. It tastes like Christmas...lots of clove and cinnamon and some orange peel...oh, just heaven!
I've got two other kinds of tea on my shelf, both relating back to my summer trip to England. That's one of the many things I love about England--I can order tea everywhere without feeling pretentious. I mean, yes, it's on most menus here in the States, but for some reason, I still feel like I'm being judged when I order tea when I'm not in a cafe or coffee shop. Also, I can get tea at McDonald's there.

The first is the Afternoon Blend from Fortnum and Mason. Other than the fact that it makes me nostalgic and fancy and that it tastes delicious, there's really nothing special about it. I'm a black tea person--English Breakfast is my go-to for teas. Darjeeling is good, too, and I got a fabulous Bohea when I was visiting Colonial Williamsburg (yes, it did feel a bit unpatriotic to buy tea there, but that didn't change the delightful flavor the tea had).
I've learned lots of fun things about tea over the years. Like, for example, adding milk helps keep the tea from staining your teeth. And that you should put your cream in your cup first before you pour in the tea. And that one of the best things in the world is to dip your McVittie's Digestive Biscuits in your tea before you eat them...the chocolate coating starts to melt just a tiny bit. Oh, so good. Just thinking about it reminds me of lunchtime at Stone Cross...I miss it there!

And I've also delighted in "going to tea," especially at Christmastime. With Alexandra. At the Drake Hotel in Chicago. You don't ever feel quite so fancy as you do when you're drinking your tea with tiny sandwiches and scones next to a beautiful fountain with a harp player sitting just behind you. Yep. Doesn't get fancier than that.

So sit back, enjoy a cuppa (which always tastes better while watching Downton Abbey or reading Jane Austen...just saying), and Happy Hot Tea Month!

~Stay gold!


  1. I'll have to try some of your recommended teas! Definitely love Darjeeling but haven't tried a Christmas tea, sounds delish! <3 loving your posts and reminiscing our fabulous tea =)


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