Upstairs or Downstairs?

Living for the weekend is kind of something you do as a teacher (or any person who works Monday through Friday). And there are many good reasons to do so! I mean, you get to sleep in and wear yoga pants and not put on makeup--Saturdays are pretty wonderful. Sundays are always a special day, too, for many reasons. I mean, sure, Sunday nights are kind of a bummer since you know you have to get up for work the next morning (cue the tears),  but between church, football, and Once Upon a Time, what else could anyone need?

Actually, I can think of one thing. One thing that has been sorely missed over the last several months. One big, gaping hole in my life that has finally been addressed.

That's right, everybody. Downton Abbey is back.

And while we all get back to our weekly rituals for watching, I thought it would be fun to list, in no particular order, my ten favorite Downton characters. I say no particular order because it changes week to week, episode to episode. Although my number 1...she's pretty much almost always #1. If you have a guess as to who it is, you'll have to keep scrolling to see if you're right.

10.  Lady Sybil
I have to say, Lady Sybil was always my favorite of the Crawley sisters. She was so progressive--working in the hospital, wearing trousers, going to rallies for women's votes. And then she married Tom, the chauffeur, rather than a member of the peerage. Such scandal! I would have loved to see how her character developed as the years passed, but alas, that was not to be.

9.  Tom Branson
Oh Branson! My favorite radical/chauffeur/honorary member of the Crawley family. I love how much you could tell he loved Sybil and how devoted he was to little Sybbie and how he did his best to fit in with the "upstairs" crowd for her sake. He was a good egg, that Branson.

8.  Mr. Carson
Mr. Carson most certainly would not approve of this list, I'm sure. But how can you not love Carson? With his deep, rumbly voice and his devotion to Lady Mary (which I will never quite understand because I just can't stand Lady Mary...sorry), he is just a delight to watch as he struggles to hold on to the old way of life while trying to face the new things of the world. Carson vs. the Telephone...just perfection!
7.  Mrs. Hughes
How could this list exist without dear Mrs. Hughes? And I do hope you're reading this in her Scottish accent. Especially now that she and Mr. Carson are getting married, I just love seeing her assert herself, and it tickles me when she puts Carson in his place. Because let's face it, as much as I love him, sometimes that's just what must be done!
6. Mrs. Patmore
Would that I had a friend like Mrs. Patmore the way Mrs. Hughes does! She just cracks me up--such a witty character, with such a dry sense of humor and perfect comedic timing. Plus, I love when she does something that shocks herself as much as everyone else.
5. Lady Edith
Poor Lady Edith. She just can never catch a break, and I think that's part of the reason I like her. Her life is not perfect, even though she is a member of the peerage, but she makes the best of it. Even though she does complain a lot, especially about her sister, Mary. Although if I had a sister like Mary, I'd probably be bitter, too.

4. Daisy
Miss Daisy is kind of like Branson and Lady Sybil. She's not happy with the system (especially at the moment), and she is doing her best to make her life better by seeking an education. Plus, she's a perfect sidekick for Mrs. Patmore.
3. Cousin Matthew
The one thing I never understood about Matthew Crawley was how he managed to fall in love with Lady Mary. I'm being really hard on her, but sometimes her character is really just awful. However, I agree with something one of them said--she was her best when she was with him. Not that he made her better, but he softened her up a bit and made her a little less selfish. Plus, he was just a sweetheart to begin with.
2. Anna and Mr. Bates
I only put them together because 1) they belong together and 2) in the last episode, Mr. Bates said he viewed them as one person. One wonderful person. Anna stuck by his side, even when he was accused of murder, and he did the same for her. They dealt with all kinds of struggles, but I hope their storyline is in the upswing (that's the impression I gathered from the last episode).
1.  The Dowager Countess
How can you leave her off? I mean, her quotes alone are enough to land her a solid #1! But she is such a strong woman and such a well-developed character...and the things she does can be so sneaky sometimes, but then she reveals her true motives, and her heart is indeed in the right place. I love her. I think everybody loves her.
What about you? Is there anyone who should have been on my list? Mr. Molesley almost made the cut...but that's just how things go for poor Mr. Molesley. Is there anyone I should have left off? Who keeps you turning in every week? And if you don't tune in, get yourself caught up online and start. You are really missing out.

~Stay gold!


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