
Showing posts from February, 2015

Sing your own Special Song

There's been a long thought process a-runnin' through my brain as I thought up and prepared to write this blog post. It started with one awful night of sleep, continued with a revelation, and ended with a song. But I think I'm going to tell the story out of order because that's what will make the most sense to me. And sometimes I just want to be selfish, so here goes. When I was in middle school, my dad discovered how to download music from the internet, and the song in the above video is one of the songs he downloaded. He's a child of the 60s, and even though he's the least hippie-like person I know, I grew up listening to all that psychedelic music from his youth. This song by Mama Cass of the Mamas and the Papas took on special meaning for me when I was an awkward, gawky teenager. The lyrics are beautiful and really spoke to me. As every middle schooler knows, you never really feel like you fit in--ever. I think that's something everyone can identify

Let the Race Begin!

Okay, I know I've been unusually  bad at this. I mean, I realize that, in general, I make a pretty terrible blogger. Seriously, some of the things I post about? It's a wonder anyone even clicked on this link (and maybe no one did...maybe the only reason I get any views is because I go back to reread and check to see if anyone viewed it). BUT I have been exceptionally bad at blogging lately. And when I say lately, what I'm really saying is that I haven't posted since September. Yeah, I know. That's ridiculous. It's a good thing I'm not getting paid to do this... Blogging is just like anything else, I've found. Once you get out of the habit, it's hard to get back into the swing of things. So I finally sat down and thought of something to blog about, I thought, "Why not change everything?" You might notice that the background on the screen behind these words is different. You might not notice that. You might notice that I changed my profil