
Showing posts from February, 2017

Day 1: Crazy Love

We're going to start out this LOVE FEST  with a person. Already breaking the rules? Not exactly, because this person and I have never met. I've always been a jazz/swing music kind of girl, having been raised listening to Frank, Dean, and Sammy. There just feels so classy, listening to that lounge music from the '30s, '40s, and '50s. Bobby Darin's Under the Sea  just makes me want to put on a pretty dress and dance. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate my first post about things I love to the modern day master of pop standards and jazz: Mr. Michael Buble Oh, that voice! I don't even know how to describe just how much I love  that voice. What a crooner, am I right? And not bad on the eyes, either. Plus, he's such a devoted family man. I've never had the privilege of seeing him live on stage {someday!}, but I have seen his Christmas specials, his televised concerts, and the concert movie he put out last fall. He really is a class act entert

Love, Love, Love

February is upon us, Valentine's Day is on its way. I can't believe it! Time really has been flying--it's been a month since I last posted. As I have said before, I am a terrible excuse for a blogger. But somehow my inane rambling keeps getting posted on the's weird, right? I had a thought today, since I have resolved to write more this year. I have already written more this year than last year--I wrote for almost two hours yesterday {I still can't believe it}. Unfortunately, none of that writing was on this blog. So, to remedy that, I am going to do something similar to my December posting. I am going to post every day until Valentine's Day about something I love. Probably mostly things, because no blog post is quite long enough for me to wax poetic enough about all of the lovely people in my life, and I would be too afraid I was leaving someone out. So it's going to be about non-people, unless I decide to change the rules, which I ju