Love, Love, Love

February is upon us, Valentine's Day is on its way. I can't believe it!

Time really has been flying--it's been a month since I last posted. As I have said before, I am a terrible excuse for a blogger. But somehow my inane rambling keeps getting posted on the's weird, right?

I had a thought today, since I have resolved to write more this year. I have already written more this year than last year--I wrote for almost two hours yesterday {I still can't believe it}. Unfortunately, none of that writing was on this blog. So, to remedy that, I am going to do something similar to my December posting. I am going to post every day until Valentine's Day about something I love. Probably mostly things, because no blog post is quite long enough for me to wax poetic enough about all of the lovely people in my life, and I would be too afraid I was leaving someone out. So it's going to be about non-people, unless I decide to change the rules, which I just might, because I can. So there.

But I'm thinking movies, books, songs, foods, shows, books, animals, items of clothing, books, wines, etc., etc. And I would LOVE to make it more of a conversation this time, so please comment, either below the post or on Facebook, and add to the love. Because I think we need a little more of it right now, especially on Facebook. 

To begin our parade of loves, I'm just going to leave this song here to inspire you and get those creative juices flowing. Because the song is true:  it's really all we need.
~Stay Gold!


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