Just Checking In!

How are you doing right now? No, really. I want you to answer. How are you doing right now? Today is day 9 since the state mandate here in Illinois that closed schools. Some of you have been working from home longer than that. Some of you are still working outside the home--to all of my healthcare and safety workers, thank you! To the truck drivers and delivery folks, thank you! To the people who are stocking the shelves at grocery stores, thank you! We are in a state of limbo right now. Nobody really knows when things will get back to "normal." We are all at different stages in this shelter-in-place, this quarantine, whatever you want to call it. Some of us are starting to get stir crazy. Some of us are relishing this time. Some of us are just getting by. How are you doing right now? Last week, I posted in a very optimistic fashion. I shared what I planned on doing during these days at home. This week, I'm still going for optimism, but with a dash of realism...