
Showing posts from June, 2014

Burning Questions!

Right now, I'm multitasking. I'm doing laundry, printing my scripts, balancing my checkbook, and doing my best to come up with a post to make this blog semi-regular over the summer. As I haven't read any more books from my reading list and I haven't done anything exciting in a while and I haven't yet answered all of the questions from my initial response to my "asking for questions" post, I shall answer more questions, just for fun! Question 3:  Worst Disney movie? Hmmm....this one is hard to answer! I love most of the Disney movies I've seen--animated and live action. Even if I wouldn't say I loved one, I probably wouldn't go so far as to hate one. As a mild feminist, I'm sure I should say The Little Mermaid or Sleeping Beauty , but I just can't. They're my childhood and I love them, despite the hidden messages they may or may not send, depending to whom you are speaking. I didn't much care for the live action 101 Dalmatia

More Confessions of an Introvert

A lot of things have happened in the past few weeks that have put me in a reflecting mood. I've been thinking about myself and the way I think and why I do the things I do. And I keep coming back to the way I'm hardwired...and that I have an internal battery rather than an external one. This morning on Facebook, I shared a link from a friend called "Five things Everyone Should know about Introverts." I've read articles like these before, where most of what is said I find relatable, but with this particular list, I found everything relatable. Let me just jot down the list and then I'll start rambling. 1. Introverts are not just shy. 2. Introverts are not snobs. 3. Introverts love to be social. 4. Introverts do become envious at the ease in which others can socialize. 5. Introverts are generally very introspective. I raised my hand with each and every one of these items. I get my energy being alone and get my energy drained being in crowds or in unfam

Lost in Austen

First off, let me apologize for taking a month long hiatus. I didn't intend for that to happen. Life and school just caught up with me and left me exhausted by the time 3:50 rolled around, with little energy to do much other than drink a Straw-ber-ita and watch That 70s Show reruns with my dad and sister. Don't feel bad, though. I'm behind on everything right now. Except for my bills. I paid those! At any rate, I have finally finished the second book on my reading list. It didn't take me long, but it took me awhile to start it. It shouldn't have; I've already mentioned it once on this blog, back in one of my first posts. I've already stated it is one of my favorites...which is why I was so hesitant to start it. Huh? Does this even make sense? Before I continue, let me reveal the book to which I'm referring. There are two problems with reading Jane Austen, and both of those problems, I was trying to avoid. First of all, the book ends. Duh. All b