Burning Questions!

Right now, I'm multitasking. I'm doing laundry, printing my scripts, balancing my checkbook, and doing my best to come up with a post to make this blog semi-regular over the summer. As I haven't read any more books from my reading list and I haven't done anything exciting in a while and I haven't yet answered all of the questions from my initial response to my "asking for questions" post, I shall answer more questions, just for fun!

Question 3:  Worst Disney movie?
Hmmm....this one is hard to answer! I love most of the Disney movies I've seen--animated and live action. Even if I wouldn't say I loved one, I probably wouldn't go so far as to hate one. As a mild feminist, I'm sure I should say The Little Mermaid or Sleeping Beauty, but I just can't. They're my childhood and I love them, despite the hidden messages they may or may not send, depending to whom you are speaking. I didn't much care for the live action 101 Dalmatians they did because I grew up loving (and I mean loving) the animated version. Dinosaur wasn't very good, and most of the sequels to the animated movies aren't very good, either. But I'm a Disney girl at heart, so I'm going to stick with Dinosaur. Because I'm also a Jurassic Park girl, and once you've been to Isla Nublar, no other dinosaur movies come close.

Question 4:  You get to befriend one fictional animal--which is it?
Boy howdy, is this one tough! I mean, bouncing from the previous question I want to shout out Simba! Pongo! Meeko the raccoon! None of the raptors from Jurassic Park! But when you step away from Disney, you have loads more from which to choose. And it doesn't say "talking" animal, so any animal from any fictional universe would technically count. That means I could say Fluffy the Three-Headed-Dog from Harry Potter or Aslan from Narnia or Arnold the pig from Green Acres...if I wanted to. Gah! Why is this so hard? I mean, it's a fictional animal, for heaven's sake. But I'm going to have to go with Snoopy. Snoopy is the best. He flies World War I era planes. He drinks root beer. He dresses up like the Easter Beagle and can do multiple animal impressions. What's not to love?

Question 5:  What languages would you want to learn?
Thank goodness this one is plural! There are many I would like to learn for multiple different reasons. Spanish because it is most practical. French because it sounds beautiful (and also Italian for the same reason). German because it just sounds cool when you speak it...and because I plan to run away to the Alps to live like Heidi, so it would certainly come in handy.

Question 6:  What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?
Lobster from the Southside Dining Center. Hands down, no questions asked. I'm not a very picky eater. There is very little I won't eat--or at least try. Sushi, I love. Peas, I don't like on their own, unless they're raw and still in the pod. Brussels sprouts, I love. Liver and onions, never had it. And I generally love seafood, but college dining center lobster was not the best place to have my first encounter with the red-shelled crustacean.

Question 7:  Can you name all the countries in the world via Sporcle?
For background, Sporcle is an incredibly addicting website. So addicting, in fact, that my friend Katie and I tried to give it up for Lent our junior year of college. We failed. Essentially, it is a quiz site, where you can do everything from name all the animated Disney movies in 2 minutes or try to identify 12 songs based on a three second clip. So, to finally answer that question, no, I cannot. I always miss three or four in Africa (mostly because their names change constantly) and several of the island nations in the Pacific. But I'm very good at the television show quizzes...give me a theme song or premise, and I'll give you the show, even if I've never seen it before. I'm pretty amazing that way.

Hmm...I think that is good for now! This leaves me with three more questions to answer at a later date--always good for me to have a contingency plan!

Stay gold!


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