To my Birdie Family

I'm not good with words.

If you've read my blog before and are thinking, "What the heck is she talking about? She's great with words! I wish I could be as good with words as she is!", I thank you for your devotion and will clarify in a moment. If you've read my blog before and are thinking, "Yep. It's about time she realized that. Man, this has gone on long enough," then why are you reading this post? If you've never read my blog before, I shall continue with the clarification.

I'm not good with words in the moment. Being a socially awkward person in general, this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Give me an hour and paper or a computer, and I can write something that will adequately express my feelings in a succinct and thoughtful manner. Ask me to say something in the moment, and you'll get a mess. Either I'll say something completely confusing or I'll try too hard to be funny and we'll all be uncomfortable. Basically, not good at all.

You might be asking yourself, "So what? She's not good with words. I started reading this because she mentioned her Birdie family, and I'm thoroughly confused at the moment." Well, here goes.

Last night ended my CTW Bye Bye Birdie experience. We finished our final show, demolished (in a very organized manner) all sets and costumes, and partied like it was 1958 (in case you didn't know, that's the year Birdie is supposed to take place). We hugged it out, took millions of pictures, and some of us got a little teary eyed. It was bittersweet, the ending of this show. It was great to see the fruition of all our hard work and to hear all the great feedback from our audiences, but that also means the daily experiences with my new-found family are coming to an end.

Today was hard. I didn't know what to do with myself! Some of my Birdie family members had it easy--they went to work or to school and got back in to their normal routines. My normal routine, however, doesn't start until Thursday (first day of institute--yay fun!), so I was left to contemplate this gaping hole in my social life. Because I'll be honest, this summer, rehearsal was my social life. I posted my pictures on Facebook. I made a killer Shutterfly book (I'll post pictures later if anyone wants to order a's pretty great!). And I thought about everything I wanted to say to everyone last night that I just couldn't say. So here goes.

To our fabulous directors, Rebecca and Steven. I've worked with you the past few years, but it wasn't until this summer that I really was able to get to know you both. Thank you so much for casting me in the show! I have to say, part of the reason I auditioned was because I knew you were directing. And now, I can't imagine being directed by anyone else! Kena was right at the cast party last night. You didn't stop directing once we started performing, and for that I'm grateful. Our performance never got stale thanks to you. Thank you for making this summer such an exciting one for me!

To the "adults" and CTW veterans:  Kena, Brian, Jayne, John, Jim, Suzanne, and Wendy. I learned so much from all of you this summer! I never once felt like an outsider. Jake mentioned it at the huddle yesterday, but I just have to reiterate how much it is true. Being a new person who has seen all of you perform before, I have to admit I was nervous when I saw how many experienced showmen (and women) were listed in the cast. I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to measure up to whatever standards you all might have. But, like most of my worrying, it was needless. Thank you so much for accepting me into the cast and making me feel like part of the family!

To the "Teen Bro Squad" (and a few other guys):  Erik, Cookie, Julio, Caleb, Brandon, Michael, and Jake. You guys are all fantastic! You're hilarious and talented and fun and kind and talented...did I repeat myself? It's worth repeating, though. I've never been in a show with a more amazingly talented group of gentlemen. Thank you so much for keeping us all from getting too serious, which can happen backstage. I am going to miss just standing there and listening to whatever you happened to be talking about in the Green Room. It never got boring, that's for sure!

To the MacAfee family:  Mike, Rachel, and Moriah (Lauren, you come later). I can't imagine this show without you! In my mind, you will forever be Harry and Doris. You are both such incredibly talented and caring individuals! Thank you for all the treats and laughs during the way, I'd love that blueberry muffin recipe, Rachel :-). And Moriah, I'm going to miss the bottom rung of my totem pole! Thank you for all the times we laughed and sang and hugged it out backstage. I love you guys!

And finally, to the Teen Girl lovelies! To Lauren, Elaina, Amanda, Kayla, Macy, Theresa, Hannah, Hannah, and Melissa:  I don't know what to say. Words aren't going to be enough. Thank you for accepting me as a teen girl (even though I'm closer to thirty than thirteen)! And thank you for letting me "big sister" you in my own little ways--helping you with your mics, tying your bows, pinning your skirts...I'm going to miss those things! And all our song revisions:  "Parents! I don't know what's wrong with these parents today!," "Please let us wear our flats...," and of course, "Talk Birdie to me!" Thank you for laughing at my jokes (So this guy gets on a bus with carrots in his ears...) and for teaching me some new ones. Thank you for being professional when we needed to be (which still was fairly unprofessional, thanks to all the fangirling) and for letting loose when we could let loose. Thank you for the snacks and the hugs and the random pictures on my phone (you know who you are) and for putting up with my awkward chicken dancing. For making t-shirts and buttons and bows with me, and for singing and dancing off-stage with me (especially during Rosie). You made me feel young again, which is hard sometimes when you spend your days with ten-year-olds.

And finally, to the "Tara" crew. For those of you who don't know (which is most of you, I'm sure), Tara is my car. Tara the 200, although recently I've begun calling her the Millennium Falcon because she makes noises a car her age shouldn't make, she's absolutely filthy, and she made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs (hee hee...I'm hilarious, I know...*sigh*). But to Brandon, Hannah, and Macy:  thank you for turning what could have been a tedious, boring 15 minute car ride into something much more fun. I know the rule is "what happens in the car stays in the car," so I won't post anything embarrassing here, but all the laughs we shared...good times, good times! And thanks for jamming out to the Spice Girls with me last night...because that was loooong overdue, let's be honest.

I don't know what else to say! Hopefully I see you all again--now that I've tasted the CTW experience, I know I'll be going back for more. I guess if I can only leave you with one thing, it would be this...

If Margie thinks it's a good idea, you probably shouldn't do it. (Oh, and Margie wanted me to leave everyone a few hugs and kisses...and she means everyone *wink wink*).


~Stay gold!


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