30 Day Blogging Challenge

These days, people challenge themselves to do just about anything. Running every day, eating healthier, reading more, etc. Generally, people put a time limit on their challenges, like working out every day for a month. Time limits force you to keep up with your challenge and allow results to be visible. If you just say, "I want to run every day for a week," and then expect to be able to run a particular race, well, it just ain't gonna happen.

And so I scrounged around online, searching for a blogging challenge. As I may have said before, coming up with topics isn't always easy, so having topics already lined up makes my life happier. September has 30 days, so what a better time to start?

I found three or four, which all had the same basic topics in different orders. I decided to edit the lists myself and compile them and delete parts I didn't like. Some of the items I'm still not crazy about, but whatever. Some topics will allow for more depth, while others are pretty straightforward and won't require me to add much else.

I'll post the thirty topics here and then title each daily post with the day number. Let's see how well I do!

1. List 15 interesting facts about yourself.
2. Your family
3. Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play
4. Your views on drugs and alcohol
5. 5 pet peeves
6. What you ate today
7. 7 things that irritate you about the opposite (and same) sex
8. A date you would love to go on
9. Bullet your whole day
10. Weird things you do when you're alone
11. Something you always think "what if" about
12. 5 ways to win your heart
13. 5 famous guys you'd run away with in a heartbeat
14. Somewhere you'd like to move or visit
15. Your current relationship; if single, discuss being single
16. Something that never fails to make you feel better
17. How have you changed in the past two years?
18. 5 weird things you like
19. Your beliefs
20. Things that scare you
21. Something that you miss
22. Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it
23. What kind of person attracts you?
24. Where you would like to be in 10 years
25. Something you can't seem to get over OR a problem you have had
26. Your views on education :)
27. Your highs and lows of the year so far
28. Your zodiac sign and how you think it fits your personality
29. Something you are currently worrying about
30. One thing you're excited for

I can already tell this is going to be fun! Tune in to see what I have to say :)

Stay gold!


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