Dear Future Husband...

Part two of the series...I love doing these posts. I love thinking about the crazy (and everyday) things that my husband will need to know about me. As the plaque in my summer boss's kitchen reads, "Happy Wife, Happy Life." I hope all of these make sense, as my brain was slow-cooked in a huge convection oven all day (aka, my classroom).

Dear Future Husband: We will have air conditioning (not sure why this would be an issue). Remember that in most school buildings (where I work), there is not central air. When I have spent a day in a 95 degree classroom with 20 little heaters (aka:  children), the air conditioning had better be running when I get home. And you might want to have a Strawberry Lemonade Mike's Hard waiting for me :)

DFH:  I'm not super into PDA, but subtlety is awesome. Holding hands, your arm around my shoulders or waist, touching the small of my back or my arm, playing with my hair, all those are good, plus whatever you want to add. Just remember that as a teacher, I have a bit of an image to uphold. We won't be making out in the middle of the mall. I will never grab your butt in public, and you'd better never grab mine (when we're sober...I can't speak for Inebriated Kaitlin). Keep it tasteful.

DFH:  Tell me you love me. A lot. And not just when I'm mad, because then I probably won't believe you are being sincere.

DFH:  Never patronize me. I hate being patronized. Do what you have to in order to calm me down, but don't just agree with me to please me.

DFH:  I'm never wrong. Just remember that. Even when I'm wrong, don't point it out. Let me figure it out on my own and come to terms with it.

DFH:  I have nightmares. I'll try not to wake you up, but when I do, just hold me. And don't laugh in the morning when I tell you what it's about. Things are scarier in the dark (especially dinosaurs).

DFH:  Love me for the nerd that I am.

DFH:  Your t-shirts are way more comfortable than my pajamas. When your clothes (flannel shirts, athletic pants, jerseys, etc.) start ending up on my side of the closet, don't try to take them back. They have officially become mine.  And if you own a leather'll probably never get to wear it again. Just mentally prepare yourself for that.

DFH:  I would love it if when I wear a dress or skirt, you opened the garage door for me (if it's not automatic). And I will wear dresses often.

DFH:  Start educating yourself on the wonders of '80s television. Your life will be so much easier if you come into it knowing something about Thomas Magnum, B.A. Baracus, and Rick Simon.

There you go--more insight into the mind of me. Try to stay cool, folks.

And as always, stay gold


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