May the Odds be Ever in your Favor!

Time for Question #2! It's another fun one, so be prepared for entertainment galore.

Question 2:  Which of your friends would survive the Hunger Games?
First, I'm going with the friends I have known the longest (i.e., relations, IW friends, and college friends). Not that I don't love all of you, my dear friends, but it would get tedious if I kept adding people to this and never actually choosing anyone.

Second, I'm going to cheat. In my head, this would not be an ordinary Hunger Games--it would be under the circumstances in Catching Fire (that is, we formed an alliance). Because all of my friends have different things to offer, and if you put us all together, we would be unstoppable.

I think both Audra and Clayton would make it far in any type of Hunger Games. Both my sister and my brother are very fit. My sister is quick and nimble, so she would outrun everybody and climb up in a tree and be all stealthy. My brother would probably throw things at people and wrestle them to their doom. Neither one of them would hesitate to kill the other tributes, either. Not that either of them have killed least to my knowledge.

Katie Jo Wright would be fabulous in the Hunger Games (and I'm not just saying that because she wrote the question!). She is fit physically and very small, so she could slip in and out of all kinds of hiding places. She goes camping and reenacting, so I feel like she could make a weapon out of anything and forage for food. She would be a valuable asset to our HG Alliance.

Alexandra also camps a lot in the mountains and hikes and would provide great knowledge on edible plants and find ways to make fire out of sticks and all kinds of awesome things. She, too, is very tiny and limber and would do fantastic at keeping track of things like the movements of the other tributes.

Meagan was a former Girl Scout and the daughter of Boy Scout leaders. She's got the whole knot-tying, bow-and-arrow/slingshot-shooting down. She used to camp all the time and is very resilient and focused. It would take a lot to put her down mentally. Plus, she used to play softball and could whip rocks at people at like 90 miles an hour!

Me? I have a hard time picturing myself surviving. I'm not very strong physically, though I'm very sturdy mentally and emotionally. I go into survival mode very quickly when it comes to tragedies and other things along those lines. I'd maybe think of plans that are too elaborate, but I have a memory like a steel safe. I'd remember everything important (except for directions...I'd be counting on Meagan to make me a compass) and even everything non-important. I notice patterns and things really well, so I feel like I would be really great at making discoveries and predicting what the other tributes would do. And my adrenaline rush at one point would probably send me with a Hulk-like surge of lethal energy toward an enemy tribute...especially if that enemy tribute was about to attack one of my alliance members. I mean, I'm ISFJ personality (according to the test). Think of me like the Samwise Gamgee of the group. I'd be all passive until someone threatened Frodo...and then, watch out!

Soooo...maybe this was cheating, but I thought it was kind of fun to consider what everyone would bring to the table. And the thought of going through the Hunger Games is much easier when you have your friends by your side :)

Stay Gold!


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