The Rarest of Opportunities

I hope this post title wasn't misleading. I did not have a rare opportunity emerge; you, dear readers, are the ones to whom this opportunity shall be given. ("And the number of the counting shall be three, and three shall be the number of the counting!") (Sorry, I can't help myself.)

Anyway, here is your chance. Your one, singular chance to ask me anything. Anything at all. Serious, funny, whatever. And I will answer it.

Here's how this will work:  you ask me questions. As questions come in, I will compile a list of said questions. Then I will start a series of posts in which I will answer previously mentioned questions. Some posts might answer two or three questions if they are things like "What is your favorite kind of pizza?" or "Have you ever been to Azerbaijan?" Other questions might require a longer post. I promise that the length of my answer will have nothing to do with the person asking the question. I mean, I suppose I could write an entire blog post on pizza, but I really can't write one about my trip to Azerbaijan. Because it would be this long: 

No, I have never been to Azerbaijan.

So if you have always wondered my opinion on whether leggings are indeed pants, this is your chance. If you find yourself at a movie store and wonder what movie I might choose, ask away. If there has been something you've just always wanted to ask me but have never been brave enough to do so in person, well...could there be a more golden opportunity?

Ground rules, though, now that I have given everyone on Twitter and Facebook a free-for-all.

1. I will not answer questions that are offensive and/or make me uncomfortable. Examples would be things like "Just who the heck do you think you are, writing a blog and forcing your opinions down all our throats? What makes you so special?" and "Will you go out with me?", "Why didn't you call/text me back?", "Can I give my brother your phone number?", etc.

2. Please don't try to trick me in your question. I can't think of any questions to use as an example, but remember that I am posting the answers to your questions on the Internet, so if your intention is to get me fired or deported or something, err on the side of caution and just don't ask the question.

3. I reserve the right change names/places in any answers--especially to prevent others from being hurt. Wow, I'm really assuming that some of these questions are going to be horrible! Just please, please, please remember:  dirty laundry belongs in a hamper. Not on my blog. If you have a problem with me personally (which if you do, I'm not sure why you are reading my blog), please don't post your question below in the Comments section. This is meant to be fun.

I can't think of any other rules...except for how to play!
1. The person who can say all the dwarves in Thorin's company fastest gets to go first.
2.  Play then moves in a counter-clockwise motion based on the position of the moon and whether or not the Detroit Tigers won.
3. Roll the dice to move. If you roll doubles, the player whose birthday is closest to yours loses a turn.
4. Either post your questions below in the Comment section (and check to make sure they show up...I've had a few people tell me they have tried to post comments but they didn't ever appear) or send it to me as a private message on either Facebook or Twitter. It might be helpful if you mention that the question is for my blog; otherwise, I might answer it right there!

**If you are worried about your own privacy, I promise I will not disclose the names of the question-askers. I'll either number the questions or just make something up, like "Valerie in Vermont wants to know why your bookshelf looks like a gift shop threw up on it." (And every question will be answered by a person and a state combination that is also an alliteration. Why not, right?)

Actually, that would be a good question...because that's how my bookshelf looks.

See. (And the top is covered in mugs, nutcrackers, and souvenir wine bottles).

 And that, dear readers, is all she wrote.

Except for this:  stay gold!


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