Questions: Round 1

In my last post, I asked for questions from my readers. I didn't have ridiculously high expectations--not because I don't have faith in my readers!!! But I know that if I read somebody's blog and they invited me to ask questions, I would be very hesitant to do so. Nobody wants to be first. Nobody wants to think that the blogger (me) is sitting there, laughing out loud at the questions and judging the asker.

I get it. I promise I understand.

I only had one intrepid reader who gave me some fodder for my blog posts, which is fine. I actually was not surprised by the fact that this reader gave me so many questions to answer. Of course, to understand why, one must go back to our time at ISU when she was working a late shift at the Info Desk in the student center and I was sitting in our dorm room when a Facebook chat window popped up, begging for some kind of question/answer quiz she could take before she died of boredom. Add to that hours and hours of Sporcle quizzes (hence, the question regarding Sporcle) and you may begin to understand why I wasn't surprised. Or you may not. Whichever.

But anyway, my friend Katie has offered up ten questions! I think, to keep the series going, I will answer one of those ten today. The best part about these questions is they are very open-ended questions that anyone could answer. I invite you to think about your answers and, if you feel so inclined, to post your answers below.

*Side note:  I have been on the "Help" site for Blogger to discover why comments are not posting. They had no real answers other than that if your browser is not set up to accept third party cookies, it might not work for you. I am going to investigate further, though.*

Question 1:  Which country on each continent would you most want to visit and why?
This is a very full question! And I love thinking about it. So let's begin.
     North America:  I've always wanted to go to Canada and see moose in their natural habitat. I'd like to go up to the Yukon and Northwest Territories. Not a very exciting answer, but an answer nonetheless.
     South America:  When I was in college, I took a Latin American culture class. We had to plan a trip to Peru in that class, explaining what we would see and how it would relate to our field of study. I would love to put that plan into action--to go see Machu Picchu, take a boat ride down the Amazon River, and climb in the Andes.
     Africa:  Egypt. That's probably the fastest answer you're going to get for any of these. Ever since I was a little kid, I have been fascinated by Egyptian history and mummification and hieroglyphics. I did my Gifted project on the pyramids of Giza at least twice. I've been to museums specifically to see the mummies. Just this past weekend, I visited the Field Museum (and saw mummies) on Friday, watched The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston on Saturday, and watched The Mummy last night. Aside from all the political riots and such things they have recently been having, I would love to go and stay for a very long time. And ride a camel.
     Europe:  I'm assuming that when I answer these questions, I have to choose a place I have never been. At least, that's how I'm going to answer. I would love to live in Austria, but I've already been there, so we'll go a different route. I have to say Russia would be my next choice. Again, since I read Doctor Zhivago, I have found Russian history quite fascinating. I'd love to go to Red Square and St. Petersburg. Soak up all the history and culture. And all of the things I want to see are on the European side of Russia, so I can choose a different country for Asia.
     Asia:  I don't know which country I would choose in Asia. There are so many bits and pieces I would like to see, but none of them are in the same country. I'd like to see the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors in China. I'd like to see the Taj Mahal. I'd like to venture into Cambodia and see Angkor Wat. I'd like to go to Budapest. I'd like to go to Jerusalem. I'd like to see Mount Everest. Asia is a hard continent. I can't choose--sorry.
     Australia/Oceania:  Middle Earth. Sorry--I mean New Zealand. Although after my initial answer, I don't think I really need to explain why. I literally want to go to Hobbiton. It exists there. Not to mention the beautiful beaches and pristine peaks and rolling roundtops (sorry, I wanted to keep the alliteration going...I couldn't think of another word for "hills").
     Antarctica:  I think it would be neat to go here...see the penguins. But I would not want to make it an extensive trip. Don't want to get hypothermia!

Look for more answers coming your way! And I shall continue to explore the comment problem--more information to follow.

Stay gold!


  1. This is a test to see if comments will work.

  2. I chose to comment as Name/URL and just typed in my name and not a URL. Somehow it worked!


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