Got a Little Crush...

Does everyone know that Little Big Town song that came out last year, Girl Crush? It's got such a cool groove to it that you can't help swaying to, and the premise of the song is that the singer/narrator has a "girl crush" on another woman--because this other woman is with the man the narrator loves {on a slightly unrelated tangent, I've never really loved that the reason the singer admires another woman is because of the man she is if she was a strong, amazing woman who has done extraordinary things, then sure, but the feminist in me is kind of bothered by it...however, that does not stop me from crooning along when it comes on the radio}. Also, there will be more tangents like that. I'm really sleep deprived right now. Although I have gotten some great ideas for future posts...tangent again, sorry.

Anyway, what I more want to focus on is the idea of a girl crush. I googled it, and according to the official Google definition, a girl crush {informal} is defined as "an intense and typically non-sexual liking or admiration felt by one woman or girl for another." Basically, loving another woman for the amazing person they are without any romantic feelings involved. It's just putting a label on something that maybe really didn't need one. Maybe you always looked up to a cousin or a friend's older sister or something--today, we would call that a girl crush.

Well, I've got a huge girl crush. On Supergirl.
Seriously, though. I love her. I want to be her best friend. I want to be her! Okay, so maybe I don't want to be an alien with lots of other bad aliens to fight. But there are some things I would like...

Her Wardrobe
Maybe I just want the wardrobe crew on Supergirl to come and dress me every day. Seriously, let me have that closet! Everything she wears, I love. Ask my mom. We went shopping a couple weekends ago and went into four or five different stores searching for basic items from her wardrobe {basics that shouldn't have been that hard to find...I love you, Mama!} Yep, Kara Zor-El/Danvers is my new style icon.

Her Friends
She gets to hang out with James Olsen, AKA Superman's best pal. She has a badass adoptive sister, Alex, who works for a secret government organization and kicks butt all day. And her best friend, Winn, is an adorable computer geek {who also happens to be a former Broadway me some Jack Kelly, too}.

Her Message
One of the best things about the show Supergirl is the message it sends. First of all, there are so many strong female characters:  Kara and Alex, media mogul Cat Grant, JAG lawyer {and sister of Lois} Lucy Lane, and even Kara's aunt General Astra, who is kind of trying to destroy humanity {but tried to save Krypton before it exploded and was ignored}. There have been episode themes that deal with anger {and the anger behind the anger}, love, selflessness, and the whole idea of what it means to be a hero. Supergirl is a very empowering show. 

She snorts when she laughs. She eats ice cream all the time. She is awkward and quirky, and I love her for that. She's so normal {for an alien, that's pretty good}. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and family. She overthinks things {especially right before a date}. For a girl with superpowers, her life is strangely human. Other than the flying thing. 

Anyway, Supergirl is pretty great. If you are looking for something good to binge or something new to watch {with some mild language and violence, but thus far no risque content}, then this might be the show for you. 

Back when the show aired in the fall, I had a student tell me I looked like Supergirl. I kind of see the resemblance, but it could just be the outfit.

I guess you'll have to decide for yourself :)

~Stay Gold!


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