Mark your Calendars!

It might just be me, but I'm getting a little tired of the winter doldrums. My kiddos at school, God love them, are turning me prematurely gray. The weather won't make up its mind {honestly, I think that beautiful Saturday we just had only made things worse}. We need a holiday--a real one that doesn't just involve furniture sales. 

Well, never fear, everyone! There are some super fun days ahead, so get ready to celebrate. I might even share how I plan on celebrating, and you should do the same! 

Most of the "days" left in February are rather dull, so let's look ahead to March! First of all, in case you didn't know, March is Women's History Month! Some fun ways to celebrate could be to learn about some amazing women and the amazing things they did, like Amelia Earhart and Alice Paul. Or dress like your favorite woman from history...or just be appreciative of women and stop being sexist or chauvinistic. Just a suggestion or two!

Now, I won't go overboard, but I'm sure I can find something for you to celebrate each and every day of this month. Let's begin!

March 1:  World Compliment Day!
March 2:  Dr. Seuss Day! {You could celebrate in a house! You could celebrate with a mouse! You could celebrate here! You could celebrate there! You could celebrate anywhere!}
March 3:  Mulled Wine Day! {This should be a good day. A good, good day.}
March 4:  Grammar Day! {I already have a blog post planned}
*March 4th is also Day of Unplugging! So turn off your devices and spend some time with the people you love!
March 7:  Cereal Day!
March 8:  Women's Day! {What an appropriate day to dress like your favorite woman, be it Cher, Eleanor Roosevelt, or some amazing blogger who always brightens your did that get there?}
March 10:  DAY OF AWESOMENESS! It's officially on the calendar in case, you know, you wanted a whole day just to be awesome.
March 14:  International Ask a Question Day & Pi Day!
March 17:  Submarine Day! If you have the ability to go on a submarine, go for it! Or eat a submarine sandwich. It's your choice.
March 18:  Awkward Moments Day! { different from every other day?}
March 20:  International Day of Happiness & Storytelling Day!
March 22:  Goof Off Day! It's official. No one can judge you today.
March 23:  PUPPY DAY! {AKA, bring puppies to school day so I can cuddle with them and have zero cares}

March 25:  Waffle Day!
March 27:  Easter! {Just in case you weren't sure when it was this year}
March 29:  Pencil Day & Take a Walk in the Park Day! {Do you suppose that means all children will have a sharpened pencil at the ready on this day?}
March 30:  Eiffel Tower Day! {Do you think the administration would mind if I took this day off? I mean, a flight to Paris takes a while}

If you're more of an all-month celebrator, then you're still in luck {maybe}. March is also Craft Month, Nutrition Month, and Caffeine Awareness Month! Think of how much knitting you can do while eating healthy and watching your caffeine intake...sooo much knitting!

~Stay Gold!


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