Here We Go Again...

The last time I posted on this blog, we were waiting for the seventh season of Game of Thrones to start.

The last time I posted on this blog, I was working on a master’s degree at ISU.

The last time I posted on this blog, I was still a twenty-something. Yep, had to change the name of the blog.

And the last time I posted on this blog, this blog had become something I never wanted it to:  a burden. It felt like something I had to do rather than wanted to do.

So I stopped writing. Really, of any kind, for a good ten months. Maybe longer. I’m not going to get philosophical and try to dig some deep-rooted meaning as to why.
This is what I look like in my head when I'm writing...
I was burnt out. I had no more ideas. I felt like I wasn’t growing as a writer. I kept writing the same-old, same-old posts about hobbits and Jane Austen and Christmas songs.

So I quit.

And then this summer, I realized something.

I like writing about hobbits and Jane Austen and Christmas songs.

And I like writing, just in general.

Which explains how we got to where we are today. You see, I didn’t choose to restart my blog because I had some great awakening. I chose to restart my blog because I wanted to annoy all of you with my weekly ramblings. {Just kidding. If I’m annoying you, just stop reading. It’s a pretty easy solution.}

This may lead some of you to ask what you can expect this time around. How about 1000% more book reviews, knitting/crafting appreciation posts, some interactive posts {yes, you will get to participate; yes, I will give you extra credit}, maybe a giveaway or two {not holding myself to it, but I like the idea of it}, and RAMBLINGS. Oh so many ramblings.

And hobbits, of course.

Thanks for joining me on this lap.


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