Your Majesties, Welcome...

Can you believe the day is almost here?

The day we get to go back?

And no, before you ask, I am NOT talking about school. We’ve already been back at school for almost a month…where have you been?

And no, I’m also not talking about the future. Sorry, Doc and Marty.

No, I mean the day we get to go back…to Downton.

*cue stirring piano themes*

I’ve tried filling the void left by the Crawley family in many different ways. Victoria, The Crown, Doctor Thorne {also a Julian Fellowes project}, various Jane Austen adaptations. Each are fantastic in their own way, obviously. But I’ve missed the Downton Abbey characters.
The series finale is, in my opinion, one of THE BEST series finales of all time. Everyone ended in a good place. Bates and Anna had a beautiful baby, Thomas was back, Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes were happy, all of the Crawleys were happy…I cried through most of it. Happy tears, of course. For the most part.

It was beautiful. And they didn’t do that awful thing that shows sometimes do in their finales and scatter all of the characters to the winds. As if we cannot have a show unless every character is in the same five mile radius…please.

But the ABSOLUTE BEST PART of the finale was that it allowed for the auspicious event coming in mere days. The characters all just kept on with their lives. The audience is left with no doubt that, on January 2nd, things were running at Downton just as they had before, since we joined the family in 1912. The show could pick up a month, a year, a decade later, and there would be no insane plot holes to fill.

And that’s exactly what we get, folks! On September 20, we get to return to Downton Abbey. We get to step back into that world and meet the king and queen at the same time! I cannot watch the trailer without tearing up…especially when Carson walks up the path to the estate. Literal chills. I’m not kidding.

I think that what the creators and writers of Downton Abbey got right is that they kept {and are seeming to keep} the events and character developments organic. Nothing ever felt like they were doing something for the ratings. No plot points seemed to be done to please fans. I mean, obviously everyone was pleased when Edith finally got her happy ending and when Branson came back to Downton and so on, but I never felt like those events weren’t earned. There were surprises, sure, but the surprises were not done for shock value. They were done because that was what made sense for the story.

Now, if you’ve not had a chance to dive into this world, I know for a fact the entire series is available for binging on Amazon Prime Video. Put the kettle on and get to streaming!

I hope you all are as ridiculously excited about the premiere as I am. I would love to know what you are most looking forward to, or if you have an amazing prediction of what might occur! Leave me a note in the comments if you’re so inclined.


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