Dear Future Husband...

First of all, slight disclaimer here--this idea is not an original. I borrowed it from someone else. There are actually way more blogs called "Dear Future Husband" (or something similar) than you would think, so in all honesty, I don't think this is any kind of copyright infringement, but I'm throwing this out there just to be safe.

Now, although the idea is not mine, each of the following items is specific to me. After I first read that blog some months ago, I started jotting these down in my journal whenever they popped into my head. Some other people might find relevant. Some you might read and say, "Yep, that's totally Kaitlin. No other person in their right mind would feel the need to warn their future husband about that."

The basic idea:  these are things that are likely never to come up during dating or a date-like scenario. They are simply things that I feel my future spouse will be thankful he knows before taking the plunge with me. (And just so we're clear, as of this particular moment, there is no one in that future spouse spot. I don't need family members freaking out and thinking there is going to be a wedding soon when there definitely isn't...which just opens up another can of worms, but I'll save that blog post for a more melancholy day).

Some of the following things are meant to be funny (but deep down, I'm really, really serious). Some are more serious. Part of this whole blogging thing is throwing yourself out there a little bit, so we're getting down to the nitty-gritty. I'm also going to keep it G-rated, but keep in mind, these are from my personal journal, where I keep my most intimate thoughts. So if one (or two...or six) seem a big more PG-13, I'm sorry. I said I was throwing it all out there. Just laugh and say, "Wow, that Kaitlin. What a comedian!" (Please, however, do not say, "Wow...that Kaitlin's a freak! I can never be in her presence again!" That will hurt my feelings.)

So, without further ado, ten things the future Mr. Fink (just kidding, I'll take your name. Probably. Unless it's weird and hard to spell...let's face it, four letters is easy. And it's the 21st century...again, another blog post) ought to know before he says "I do."

Dear Future Husband:  You will never, under any circumstances, wear overalls. EVER.

DFH:  You will always let me bury my face in your shoulder during the kitchen scene in Jurassic Park. And you will not laugh at me. That is !@#$%^* scary!

DFH:  There will be role playing, and it will involve costumes, accents, and elaborate scenarios (but no overalls). Just roll with it :)

DFH:  There are times I can handle being teased, and times I can't. Learn the difference.

DFH:  I will need to vent occasionally. Don't offer advice unless I ask for it--just let me talk and halfway listen and throw in a "you're so right," "why don't more people listen to you?", "you look beautiful today", and you're golden.

DFH:  Forget about ever getting to eat an entire bag of microwave popcorn by yourself. You. Will. Share.

DFH:  I will wash the dishes. You will dry them. And if you ever want to vacuum, be my guest.

DFH:  To segue off the previous, if you use a sinkful of dishes and are home all day and don't want a homicidal wife, wash them. This is your only warning. And just filling the sink with water and soap doesn't count.

DFH:  Never, ever, use the phrase "woman's work"--even as a joke. You will not be laughing after I react.

DFH:  If you promise never to make me watch a horror movie, I promise never to make you......sorry, I can't think of anything I do or like that would have the same effect.

Well, this has been fun! I have loads more to share at later dates, so just get excited about that! And if you feel so inspired, especially all you single ladies out there, jot your own down someplace. Who knows, it could make a cute bachelorette party or bridal shower game!

Stay gold :)


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