My Triumphant Return to Blogging

Hello out there!

I'm back, world of blogging, and better than ever (well, that remains to be seen). My last blog, which I believe has a link on my profile somewhere, had a specific purpose and theme.

None of that nonsense will be held here.

I have opinions (odd ones, yes, but opinions nonetheless). I enjoy things. I dislike things. I feel neutral about things. And you, dear reader, now get to see what is going on inside that more-strawberry-than-blonde head.

If you know me personally and think that this blog sounds nothing like me because it's, well, eloquent and makes sense, you have caught on to my big secret. My fingers work better at putting together complete thoughts than my mouth does. I think there is a blockage between my brain and my mouth--a swinging door that occasionally lets something good out but mostly lets out nonsense. I can't always think of things to say but I can always think of things to write.

And please keep in mind:  these are RAMBLINGS! So if you don't want to read on and on about how excited I am to do my classroom in a Tokien theme this year, then skip that post. Because it will be on and on and on about how amazing television shows were in the '80s and the state of my violin playing and occasional rants on my love life (usually on my lack thereof).

I will promise a few things: 

1. No politics. I'm one of those people who thinks she understands what is going on but really has no clue. I don't talk about politics, so I'm not going to blog about them, either. Besides, everyone gets so emotional about that stuff. I want this to be a happy place, full of dreams and wishes coming true :)

2. Minimal swearing. Occasionally, I have the mouth of a sailor. Usually, though, I try to avoid it for the use of bigger, more intelligent sounding words. A polished vernacular beats profanity any day.

3. Pictures! (Or so I hope). And they will likely be pictures of things that are not me. My dog, rainbows, my classroom (so you can get excited about the Tolkien-ness as well!)

4. Very few grammatical errors. I teach Language Arts. I get annoyed when others misuse grammar. But if I do, please do not tell me. Allow me to live in ignorant bliss.

5. Randomness. I cannot promise what you will find if you tune in every day. I cannot promise there will be something every day. Part of the reason I am starting in July is because I have time to think about non-school things. Come August, that precious commodity known as time will disappear in the midst of teaching, violin lessons, choir practice, building my Mary Kay business, and filling the voids with all the tv shows I will be faithfully following, all while trying to get the 8+ hours of sleep I need to remain a pleasant person.

So anyway, welcome to my great experiment. To close, I want to quote Anne Frank. I love this quote--I have used it at some point in every journal I have ever written, and I think it is something to which all writers (and aspiring writers) can relate. It's three simple words--nothing profound. No inspiring message for life, but they are important to me nonetheless. Reflect on them, and if you want, let me know what you think. Being a socially-awkward person who can't always think of things to say (see above), they are very important to me, and easily express why the person whose words you will be reading here may not be the person you think you know. (I now feel like I'm giving them too much buildup. Don't be disappointed, please).

"Paper is patient."

And that, dear reader, is all I have for today.


  1. Violin lessons?! You play violin? How was I your music teacher and now a co-worker and I didn't know this? I have failed! I expect to hear more about this soon please.

    Mary Kay? Hey I buy that stuff about twice a year. Good to know you are a representative!

    1. The violin is very new--as in just this summer! It's fun and challenging--much harder than I thought!

      And if you ever need something from MK, let me know. I have some product on hand at the moment, as my business debut (eeek!!!) is coming soon.


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