What's on my DVR

Okay, here is the thing with blogging...it's kind of hard.

And I don't mean it is difficult to write blog posts or to find the time to do it--that's the easy part. The hard part is sitting at your keyboard, watching the cursor blink at you because you, Miss I-Decided-to-Start-a-Blog, don't know what to write.

Writer's Block. The Kryptonite to my Superman. The Precious to my Gollum. The ysalamiri to my Jedi (yeah, that's an actual thing...read the books).

This isn't so much a problem if you have a themed blog, such as recipes or photos or movie reviews. But I am not that person. I have way too many interests to tie myself down to a topic, or even a general area. I'm all over the place, like the Winchesters hunting demons. Thankfully, though, I am not the only blogger to have this problem. During my quest to find a topic for today's post, I came across several lists of good blog post ideas.

And that's where I got this idea. One blogger suggested making lists (I LOVE LISTS!!!), and then another suggested posting on a favorite book, movie, or TV show. And thus, the post "What's on my DVR" was born. 

Now, it's summer. This means my list of shows I'm watching is not nearly as long as it usually is. In fact, it consists of about 5 shows (much less than during the rest of the year). And here they are, in no particular order.

Copper, BBC America, Sundays 9 pm

I lied. There is an order here. Copper is first, because it is my latest obsession. I'm not new to this show. I have been a faithful follower since the first episode. But after rewatching the entire first season and the episodes aired this season, I am hooked once again.

Copper tells the story of Irish-American police detective (or copper) Kevin Corcoran (played by phenomenal actor Tom Weston-Jones) following his release from the Union Army and his return to his home in New York City's Five Points area. At the beginning of the first season, Corky is searching for answers--his young daughter was killed, his wife has gone missing, and nobody seems to know anything. Social lines are crossed, as immigrant Corky hobnobs with millionaire Robert Morehouse (Kyle Schmid), his friend from his military days. Racial barriers are broken down, as Corky consults with black physician Matthew Freeman (Ato Essandoh). Throw in a rich beautiful widow, Elizabeth Haverford; a troubled young orphan, Annie Riley; frightened doctor's wife, Sara Freeman; brothel owner, Eva Heissen; and Corky's detective chums, Andrew O'Brien and Francis Maguire, and you've got one incredible cast of characters (all played by incredibly talented thespians).

I'm doing an awful job of giving a synopsis, as there is much to tell, so let me encourage you to check it out. Given my current obsession, there will likely be another post about Copper coming soon! (First season is available for streaming on Netflix...just so you know)

Under the Dome, CBS, Mondays 9 pm



Based on the Stephen King novel (which I have not yet read...it's sitting on my shelf), this new series chronicles the lives of the residents of Chester's Mill, a town like any other. Except, of course, for the giant dome that suddenly appeared. No one knows what it is or why it is there, but one thing is for sure (to steal a line from the promos):  no one's secrets will be safe. And everyone, it seems, is hiding something. From the councilman to the radio DJ to the family who just happened to be passing through when the dome fell, everyone is in the same boat. (And they even make a joke about the parallels between their town and The Simpsons Movie. Awesome!)

Perception, TNT, Tuesdays 9 pm

I have learned so much about my brain just by watching this show! Dr. Daniel Pierce is a brilliant professor of neuroscience, recently recruited by former student and FBI agent, Kate Moretti, to assist in an investigation. The only problem? The eccentric professor has paranoid schizophrenia, which helps him solve the cases. It is quite entertaining to watch Daniel try to discern what is real and what is in his mind as he interacts with colleagues, students, the FBI, and a host of victims and criminals. Not your average procedural cop-show, to be sure!

Melissa & Joey, ABC Family, Wednesdays 7 pm

Put together two hit TV stars from the '90s, and what do you get? One hilarious half-hour of comedy! Mel is a city councilwoman in Toledo, Ohio, trying to raise her niece and nephew after her sister ends up in jail and her brother-in-law continues to evade the law. Enter Joe, one of Mel's brother-in-law's former business partners, now broke and unemployed. Who better than to fill the empty nanny spot in the Burke household? Be prepared for lots of innuendo, fabulous outfits from Mel, and tight-fitting (or invisible) shirts on Joe, as well as lots of laughs and sweet moments.

Big Time Rush, Nickelodeon, Thursdays 7 pm

Yes, I know this is a kids show. Yes, I know I'm twenty-four-years-old. Yes, I know it's about a boy band and includes everything stereotypical of a network show aimed for tweenagers.

But I love it anyway. It's good, clean fun. Four adorable leads, lots of great songs, random guest appearances (Fabio? Really?????), and good-old slapstick humor. It's a guilty pleasure that also includes lots of great messages about friendship and being oneself.

So don't judge me.

This topic will likely come up again (especially once all the fall-favorites get their new seasons started). I hope you enjoyed this and maybe found something new to watch.

Seriously, just watch Copper. Don't question it. Just do it.

And, dear reader, stay gold.


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