The Little Prince

Everyone everywhere seems to be talking about the Royal Baby. Some people positively, some negatively. As you know, I must get my two-cents in (when it doesn't involve politics), so here goes:

My Thoughts on the Royal Baby

First of all, I want to say that I, personally, am excited by the arrival of the Little Prince. I love babies! Who doesn't? It doesn't matter to me who the baby's parents are--any birth is a reason for celebration. To be honest, I was more excited when I found out William and Kate were expecting than I was that Kim Kardashian was expecting, but I was happy that Kim had a healthy baby (named North?)

I feel like this baby, of all the children of stars who grow up in the spotlight, will grow up well. I don't mean well off--I mean will grow up "normal," whatever that means. Kate's parents seem to be very hands-on, and I don't think Kate is going to be that person who lets a nanny raise her child. I mean, even look at how well Wills and Harry turned out (okay, sure, Harry's had some incidents, but you have to wonder if those would have happened had he not lost his mother). Yes, this child will grow up watched by the entire world, but there will be expectations on this child--and I don't mean bad ones, either. You won't find footage of the little prince throwing a tantrum at Harrods because he didn't get the toy he wanted. We probably won't have to worry about footage of Kate making questionable mothering choices (riding with him on her lap as she drives a car, screaming at her child in public, etc.) There are behavioral expectations for the royals that, again, aren't bad things. They require self restraint and other such things that more celebrities should instill in their children.

Now, I am not one of those people that follows the every move of the Royal Family. Other than the immediate Royals (Elizabeth and Phillip, Charles and Camilla, Wills and Kate and Harry), I have essentially no knowledge of their family tree. Oh, sure, I know about Princess Anne, and I remember the two princesses with the crazy hats at the wedding, but it just doesn't excite me the way it does some people.

But Wills and Kate, I love. Maybe it's the romanticism of their story--a commoner and a Royal. Granted, she wasn't the maid or anything, so it isn't exactly romance novel material, but the fact that the Prince met his future wife at school rather than at a party or a royal function is so real-life. People meet their spouses at college all the time; it makes the Royal Couple seem more real to me, that their love story is just like anyone else's. The fact that they broke up for a time and then got back together, again, is very real-life.

And their wedding? Oh my goodness, can you say every little girl's dream? (Okay, I know not every little girl dreams of her wedding, but let's just pretend for a second.) From the dress to the sneaky look by Prince Harry to Wills telling her she looked beautiful before the ceremony started to the kisses (more than one!) on the balcony to the decked-out Aston Martin, everything about it screamed fairy tale. Maybe it was because I was there when it happened--granted, I was sitting on my host mum's couch, drinking pink champagne, but I didn't have to wake up at an ungodly hour to watch the wedding. I reaped the benefits of their royal status (no school--woohoo!), and I got to witness the excitement their countrymen and women had for the new couple.

We don't have that here in America. When a celebrity gets married, there are equal numbers of well-wishers and haters. I'm sure there were those not excited by the wedding, but it was a rallying point for the English. The only time we can all seem to agree on something and rally together is when a tragedy strikes. Rarely do you find every American happy about the same thing--and that is as close to political talk as I will get!

And please, is there a more adorable couple than Kate and Wills? First of all, she is gorgeous. I would kill to have that hair! She always looks put together and has a genuine smile on her face. She is graceful and elegant and stunning. And Wills? All I can say is, thank goodness he got his mother's looks! Sure, he's balding a little, but he always looks so nice. I bet he smells good, too. Guys that dress like him always do. The way they are together, you can just tell they are happy.

If you haven't seen the pictures of them leaving the hospital side-by-side with the picture of Diana and Charles leaving the hospital, look them up. We all know how Charles and Diana ended, and you can just tell from the body language of the princes that their levels of feelings for their wives differs entirely. Charles has one hand in his pocket and the other is maybe on Diana, but you can't really tell because of the poofiness of her dress. Wills, on the flip-side of the coin, has one hand on the small of Kate's back and the other up in a wave that almost looks like a protective gesture, like he's putting a barrier between his wife and child and the photographers.

I know, yeah, yeah, yeah. They have to look good all the time. They have stylists and personal trainers. They have to look happy in public all the time. But I don't know, there is just something there. Something that can't be faked. Maybe it's the look in their eyes, their subconscious body language, I don't know. Maybe it's the romantic in me who wants to believe every marriage will last forever, that love will always endure, but in the deep part of my heart, I think they really are as happy as they seem.

So congratulations, William and Kate! Best of luck to you!

~Stay gold!


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