8 More Mondays...

Today was our first day back from Spring Break. It went much better than I anticipated. I actually woke up feeling refreshed rather than worn out, which always makes the day more smooth. And the kiddos were fine. We have art class on Monday mornings, and this morning my entire class agreed that my classroom just looked "dreary." So we made flowers and ladybugs out of construction paper and hung them around the room. One kiddo even made a rain cloud with little rain drops...so much fun!

Today was also one of the last Mondays of the year. We are in the single digits (as far as Mondays go) which is fine by me! I'm kinda like Garfield...I hate Mondays.

We have 8 more Mondays this school year. Eleven more weeks, but only eight Mondays, thanks to Memorial Day and Easter Monday. It sounds like such a short amount of time when you put it that way. I have one more region to get through and two more state tests to give them. Then we have to write a research paper on some Social Studies-related project (I'm thinking maybe presidents) and also have time to do a "fun" unit (I'm thinking castles).

But there is still so much to do! I have to remind my kiddos to bring their recorders eight more times (I forgot today...sorry Steven!). I have to make a newsletter eleven more times (haven't done so well with that since Christmas break...sorry parents!). I have to go on one more field trip (reeeeally not looking forward to that). I have to make lesson plans eleven more times and redo them 999 more times and make copies ten thousand more times...

I'm not dreading the end of the year, but neither am I counting down for it. I like what I do, and 99% of the time, I like being at school in my classroom doing what I do. Are there days when I wish it was June 6? Yes. Are there days when I question my choice in profession? Absolutely. Are there days when I think it would just be easier to move to the mountains and write romance novels for the rest of my life? Probably, but those are really bad days.

And then you have days where you get letters from kiddos like this:
And then suddenly eight more Mondays don't sound like enough.

But ask me again tomorrow, and I might be willing to sell my classroom and all its contents for a one-way ticket to New Zealand.

Stay gold!


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